Violet: Hey Louis, shut up.

Omar: You're such a weirdo man.

Louis: I just wanna know.

You stay silent through the exchange. You don't feel like they should know about everything.

You: Why aren't you guys at the concert?

Louis: Didn't feel like it.

You: Makes sense. Clem and I were gonna stay in our room and listen from there.

Violet: Hey Y/N?

You: Yeah.

Violet: Can I talk to you for a minute?

You: Sure.

You follow her away from the table.

You: What's up?

Violet: I appreciate you getting Clem out. But I can't move passed the fact that you left Willy.

You: You were fighting a losing battle.

Violet: You can't know that.

You: I do actually. I was there helping you, and saw the walkers piling up on the gate. There was no way he was getting out of there.

Violet: We could have tried.

You: We did. I'd been in a similar situation before. The person got bit and I had to put them down. I almost didn't make it out because I helped him.

Violet: I feel awful about it.

You: Me too.

She looks at you curiously.

You: What? I do. I feel like I got him killed.

Violet: I understand why you did it. I just don't know what you'd do if someone was in a situation that would put your life at risk. Would you try and help or leave?

You: I saved Clem, didn't I? I had very small chance of making it out.

Violet: I just-

You: You don't have to trust me, but you believed in me when the others didn't. I just hope we can be friends eventually.

Violet: I'm into girls.

You: That is not what I meant at all.

Violet: I know, I was joking. You are very clearly already with Clem.

You: With?

Violet: Yeah.

You: What do you mean?

Violet: I won't tell Louis.

You smile at her.

Violet: She's mad at you, isn't she?

You: Yeah, sent me out here.

Violet: You can hang out with us until then.

You: Oh! Come here.

You walk back to the others with her.

You: So, they can spare two rooms. Each one with a bed and a couch. AJ's going to stay with us. I don't really know how you guys want to split it.

Louis: Ruby and Aasim will want their own room.

Omar: Yeah. I'll sleep on their couch.

Violet: I get the other bed.

Louis: Why not me?

Violet: I called it first.

Louis: Rock paper scissors?

Violet: Yeah alright.

They play the game, hitting their hand three times and then shooting. Violet wins with scissors.

Louis: What?

Violet: You always open with paper.

Louis: No, I don't.

Violet: How could I have predicted it so confidently?

Louis: You're a witch.

You: We can go talk to Kate about it.

Louis: Who?

You: Is he...?

You look at Violet and Omar and point at Louis.

Violet: Uh hu.

You: She's a lot older than you and with someone.

Louis: Darn.

You shake your head and begin walking. They hurry up and catch up with you.

You: So, what happened to you guys on the way here?

Omar: Spent a little while looking for you, but honestly, we thought you were dead.

You: I know that part.

Violet: Nothing eventful really. Other than the train station. It was already crowded so we left.

You: That broke Clem when she saw it. She didn't really talk the rest of the day.

Violet: AJ's like a son to her. I'm not surprised.

You: Here's the place.

You turn towards the church and walk up and into it. Kate is in it talking to someone. Once they're done, the woman she was talking to walks out and Kate turns her attention to you guys.

Kate: Hey.

You: Hi. They're supposed to get rooms.

Kate: Yeah, they're set up right beside you and Clem.

You: Nice.

Louis: Thank you.

Kate: You're welcome. Are you alright Y/N?

You: Yeah.

Kate: Gabe's just such an idiot sometimes.

You: Clearly.

Kate: Just don't hold it against him. He's a good kid.

You: I really don't believe that.

Kate: Ah, you'll come around. Let me take you guys up there.


Kate: These two.

Omar: Thank you.

Kate: No problem. Good night.

You: See ya.

She walks away leaving you in the hallway with the other three.

Omar: I'm going to go find Ruby and Aasim.

Violet: Probably making out somewhere.

Omar: I hope not.

He leaves to go look.

Louis: Let's check it out!

Violet: Ok.

Louis hurries into their room excitedly.

Violet: You should go talk to her.

You: I really don't want to.

Violet: I'm sure it'll be fine.

She leaves you to go look around her room, shutting the door behind her. You walk over to your door and stand there for a minute. You're worried, and you don't know why. You push that feeling to the side and push the door open.

You see AJ sitting on the couch with some blankets and a pillow. He looks up at you when you walk in.

AJ: Hey Y/N!

You: Hey buddy.

AJ: We're roommates now!

You: I know.

AJ: Clem is in that room. She said to tell you to go in there when you got back.

You: Thanks.

Clem: Im going to eat you alive.

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