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Nate POV
I wake up to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I say.
"Hey Nate." I hear the familiar voice on the other end, it's Ali.
"Ali! Where you been? Why haven't you come back? I miss you."
"I miss you too. I'm sorry I left you there but I had to go because me and momma had gotten into it again. " She explains. I know that she left for my sake. My sister hates it when I hear or see her and momma argue. Well, it's more of momma hitting Ali than them arguing.
"Are you coming back today? It is Sunday. Wait, where have you been at?" I ask her, a little worried but at the same time, I think I know.
"Oh, I've been staying at Jabez house." She tells me. I wish that they would go ahead and date. He is one of the few people in her life that make her happy. Plus they've been bestfriends since I can remember. And Ali deserves him.
"Well when are you coming back?" I ask her.
"That's the thing, I don't really think I am.." What?
"What? Why not?" I ask her, getting a little angry and a little louder.
"Because I can't take being hit almost everyday. I hate living there. I love you but, momma just makes everything hard. I had to do something about it." She tells me and I can tell that she's on the verge of crying.
"Well, I understand. You're doing what's best for you. I wouldn't want it any other way. Just remember to keep me posted and visit some time." I tell her, knowing that I'm partially lying.
"Wait, you thought I was gonna leave you there by yourself?" She asks me.
"I mean, kinda. A lil bit yeah." I tell her.
"No! I wouldn't just leave you." She tells me. "Mama V is already making Jabez and Rocky move stuff around in the movie room so that you can sleep in there. We all want you to move in with us Nate." She explains and I'm holding in my happiness since I've always liked their house and especially the movie room. But I'm mostly happy because I get to spend time with my sister and not worry about her being sad all the time.
"Ok! I'm so down." I tell her.
"I know you are. Now get to packing because Momma V, Rocky, Jabez, and I are gonna come pick you up after they finish up with your room." She tells me.
"Ok." I tell her.
"Hey, Nate? How's momma?" She asks, worried.
"I honestly don't know. She hasn't been here since you left. But I feel like she might come back today." I tell her.
"Oh, okay. Well go ahead and get everything packed and then do your hygiene and clean up your room. By then, we should be on our way." She tells me, always wanna be bossy.
"Ok. I love you Ali."
"I love you too Nate." I hear her say before she hangs up.

When I get out of bed, I go ahead and do my hygiene. I come out of the bathroom and start to pack, and then I hear the front door close. Ali and everybody else got here faster than I thought they would. I say going down stairs to meet them.
"Hey y'al-" I stop, realizing that it's not Ali, it's momma.

Ok, so I just thought that I should bring a little drama into the story, and I also thought we could use a different POV. Sorry for not updating for awhile, semester exams really made me study, and I had to study for practice ACT. I hated not updating, but now I'm back! This real short but don't worry, there will be more. Oh, and I also cracked my phone real bad, like it's a double-screen and I can't see half of it because the right side is entirely black, even when the phone is on. I didn't get one for Christmas, but I'm gonna beg my G-Ma for one. Anyways, vote, comment, follow me on here and Instagram~the.ehrin.wilson~and hmu for ideas on the story or a new story. Love y'all😘~e

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