What happens next (SPOILERS)

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*dont read this if you haven't read the whole book*

Ruel lives in Alira's old house in Sydney for the rest of his life. His parents, Coco and Sylvie all move into other houses nearby. He ends his career as a singer and over the years the amount of times he's recognised in public gets less and less. Sometimes he sees little things that remind him of her.

Out of respect and curiosity he visits Alira's Mother's grave a few times over the years. Sometimes there are small paper notes wrapped around flowers there that say 'I miss you mum'. He knows they're from Alira.

He never visits Alira. Sometimes he calls her, but she never answers. Maybe one day they'll meet again.

Alira lives in the apartment for years. She gets married and has kids. She moves on. But he's always in the back of her mind. She goes to her mothers grave every weekend. 

When she gets older she divorces her husband because it's not the same. It never will be.

Sometimes Ruel calls her but she's so afraid at what he'll say, or what she'll say back, that she never answers. Sometimes she drives Round to his house but at the last minute decides not to go knock.


- at the start of the book both main characters pay a lot of attention to others, like friends and family. As their relationship develops they talk to and think about the other people a lot less because they're more focused on their relationship

- a lot of times when ruel and Alira kiss or hug, Alira says 'I kissed/hugged him. And he kissed/hugged back.' This is because she's generally a pretty anxious person who cares a lot about what people think of her and how people respond to her actions. She wants confirmation that she's doing the right thing.

- Alira has quite bad anxiety, as based off multiple people I know. I designed her like this to make sure their relationship wasn't too cheesy or straight into it, or direct. It made her more hesitant and worried about everything

-both have issues with self image. This meant that their real personality was harder to read and fluctuating rapidly depending on who they were around

-coco realised a lot more about their relationship than Alira or ruel probably did. She was very attentive because she was worried about both of them. However, she still managed to get around her own issues (remember when she ran away at the start). I never specified why she ran away but my idea was that she was in an abusive relationship. She dealt with it on her own as a strong person who was then able to support those she loved. 


I think writing this book made me discover a lot about myself.

At first I was way too nervous to write a fanfic because I didn't want other people to think badly of me.

The real reason I wrote this was because it's a good opportunity to test different structures of writing and definitely expanding my skills as a writer.

For those who don't like reading/writing fanfics or think they're stupid- a fanfic isn't meant to humiliate or define a character/personality, in this case ruel. It's merely a way writers can create art with predetermined characters/circumstances. This enables us to spend less times worrying about characters and focus more on plot so we can learn to apply better plot to more situations.

I haven't 'advertised' this much on my fan account because I'm still scared of what people think of me for doing this. But that's ok.

I'm sorry if you didn't like this book. Honestly I don't particularly like it either.

It was hard to finish this book because I did become attached to the characters I created. I regret not including Rocky or Alira's dad more. I intended to make coco more of an important character but obviously that didn't happen. There's a lot of stuff I thought about that didn't make it into the book.

I hope everyone who read the book reads all this because I think a lot of it creates more understanding as to the whole story.

I did end the book on a form of cliffhanger. You'll never know, maybe ruel and Alira do reunite. That's for you to decide. 

My original idea for the ending was for ruel to fly out to Asia and they were both so broken by each other and everything else that they agreed to leave each other and just get on with their own lives. It was going to be set in an airport and the end scene was just going to be them hugging, then Alira walking away. I kind of included that in the Sydney airport scene, except of course ruel hadn't agreed to that.

Something a bit funny- I had a straight week of full breakdown because I accidentally shuffled the order of all the chapters. I spent like four school days trying to get them back in order. It was terrifying and I'm sorry if you read the book out of order lol

I wrote over 50 chapters that I never published. You won't ever see them. A bit like gospel, except we did end up seeing that.

I'm sorry this book had to finish. I didn't want it to, and I hope you didn't want it to either. I hope you loved the characters like I did.

The title your eyes was inspired by my obsession with eyes. THAT SOUNDS SO STUPID ITS NOT LIKE A SEXUAL THING BUT LIKE I HAVE THIS WEIRD THING WHERE I REMEMBER EVERYONES EYES. I am terrible with names but the one thing I remember about every person I meet is their eyes. 

I wanted to post this chapter explaining everything instead of just doing the normal last chapter like most fanfics for a finality, a real end, just what ruel and Alira wanted. 

Also, we ended on a high! Number 1 in painkiller. Thank u 

I hope Alira's out there, somewhere, doing alright.

your eyes ~ RUEL FAN FIC ~Where stories live. Discover now