Ruel's POV

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When we get home from seeing Alira at the hospital, I remember what Sez said about how me stealing a car has already hit the news. I reach in my pocket for my phone and moan. It isn't there. 

I get thrown into a panic, thinking of mum, dad, Nate, all my coworkers and people I know desperately trying to reach me as the news spreads further and further.

There's a knock at the door and I jump. Coco walks down the stairs painfully slowly and to the front door. I peer around my door where I have a perfect view of the door below and she's peering through the one way glass.

"Ruel." She says half scared and half confused. "Mum and dad are here and they look really really mad."

I get the feeling coco doesn't know I stole a car yet. She opens the door and Mum stomps in, dad trailing a short way behind him.

"Where is my son?" She snaps at Coco. To cocos credit and my surprise she shrugs. 

"Out with friends probably." 

Mum's anger is extinguished but I know it's temporary. I duck down behind the wall that provides a fence from the two storey drop. 

The click of high heels comes up the step threateningly. I curse under my breath and crawl along the passage into my room and under the bed. The clicks follow and I stay completely still, barely daring to breathe.

And then she's there. Mum's white, glossy high heels are right in front of my face. The top of the shoe and any part of her angle that would've been bare is covered by white suit pants. Then she turns and walks back out. I sigh in relief.

A little too loudly.

"RUEL VINCENT VAN DIJK." her yell cuts through the air like a knife. "A CAR, I SAY. YOU STOLE A DAMN CAR." 

I roll out from under the bed awkwardly and sit up. She's standing in the doorway, fists balled, fuming. 

"Mum, I-"

"Don't even try and excuse your behaviour! This could ruin everything, dads job, your job, your reputation! Stealing cars is illegal."

I stand up and see there's tears in her eyes, and her anger masks hurt and disappointment. Guilt washes over me. I embrace her and she doesn't hug back so I whisper in her ear "I'm so sorry."

Sorry doesnt cut it. I know that. But somehow that's the least bad thing I can say in this situation.

I notice in one of her fists is a balled piece of paper, so when I let go of her she sees my eyes searching the crumpled letters for meaning. 

"These are for you." She tosses the paper onto my bed, walks out and closes the door behind her. As much as I want to follow her and say more, I know I should give her some cooling off time before I continue. So I sit on my bed and carefully unfold the paper. When it's unfurled, a little crumpled but flat enough to be read, I see there's two pieces of paper. I pick up one first that has a familiar signature on it.


Just received this invitation in the mail and I'm beyond excited! I thought you might want to surprise him with this but if you want to give it to him now that's fine. It's for an exclusive dinner and dance for some of the most influential people in New South Wales, the premier, the prime minister, actors, investors etc. As a smaller artist Ruel wasn't originally invited but I managed to secure four entries through a friend. You could go with him, coco and Sylvie, or he could take some friends, whatever you like.



I pick up the other document which is made of thicker pearly paper embellished with red roses.

The Prime Minister of Australia cordially invites you to


28th July 

Dress code: BLACK TIE

Hope to see you there!

Please RSVP to 0483-848-832 by the 3rd

A lump rises in my throat.

Today is the 18th so mum has either already sent an RSVP or has decided I'm not going.

I open my door and sprint downstairs, almost falling over the carpet. 

"Mum!" I gasp. "Did you- I mean, can I, will I-"

"Yes." She says cooly. Her anger hasn't completely abated. "Coco, Sylvie, you and someone else can go. You can choose who."

Someone walks out from the theatre room behind her. It's alira, holding a pack of ice to her forehead, eyes tired, and holding-

"My phone!"

"Yes." Says mum again. "I saw you left it at a bus stop. Really..."

"Who you gonna ask to the ball?" Says dad from the kitchen. He obviously isn't mad like mum.

I pause awkwardly. I can't ask my girlfriend. Or she might me my ex now. I don't know what we are now she knows about Alira.

"The girl on the cover of his phone, probably." Murmurs Alira bitterly. She tosses my phone at me and I fumble and catch it.

My phone turns on and I see her. Most likely my ex now.

"No." I say defensively. "I was going to ask you, but if you don't want to-"

Her face goes pale but expression doesn't change. 

"You were going to ask me?"


"Really? Or just because I confronted you?"

"No, I want you to come."

"Coco can take you dress shopping this afternoon, Alira." Mum chips In kindly. She obviously has everything already planned out.

"Ok." Replies Alira softly. As if on cue Coco comes out of the kitchen with a coffee in her hand and says "I'll call Sylvie. She will want to come too."

The sort of bond Alira, my sisters and mother have developed over the few months. It reminds me of the fact that Alira doesn't have a mother. Except Xena. Who I think she hates.

Coco and Alira go to drive and pick Sylvie up. Dad goes to the office to get some work done. Mum sits in her room answering the onslaught of calls about me. Me breaking the law. Me messing something up. Me and my new music. My tour schedules.

While i sit trying to ignore the buzzing of my phone, the number of times I hear mum answering the calls become fewer and fewer. Minutes pass and none come. Mum's door opens and she comes downstairs again.

I look up and she's crying. I don't think she knew I was still home because she gives a little jump and tries to control herself. I sit up straighter and she comes next to me.

"When I had you," she says as more tears roll down her face. "You were so perfect. I prayed for so long you'd stay like that, I didn't want you to grow up. And now I realise, how proud you're making me. I love you."

"You arent mad?" I say cautiously.

"Of course I'm mad." She snaps.

Some things never change.

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