Ruel's POV

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It takes 30 minutes for a doctor to arrive and when he does I leave the house. Xena, Alira's dad's girlfriend, is there but Alira's dad is nowhere to be seen. Probably at the hospital sorting things out. Or crying over a dead body. 

I drive home in the stolen car. It feels like ages ago she was shrieking in delight and we were roaring down the highway. I'm kind of confused, everything happened so fast.

I think about the last few hours. Dad leaving a voicemail for me frantically saying Alira's mum was alive. I tried to call back but no one answers.

I'm so busy thinking I don't notice the police car until it stops in front of me forcing me to veer left into a bush to avoid it. There's a thump and I turn of the car, my heart pounding. Two police jump out of the car holding guns.

"You're under arrest for the possession of a stolen vehicle!" One yells as I step out of the car with my hands up.

"How old are you?" Asks the other Officer, lowering her gun slightly.


"You have your license?"

"Uh, P plates."

"Where'd you get the car?" 

"Took it."

"From where?"

"My mate's dad." 

This bit isn't completely True but I'll sort that out later. 

Both officers put their guns back in their belts and grab me by my upper arms. I don't bother trying to shake them off, I'm in enough trouble already.

"Are you going to do the whole 'you have the right to remain silent' thing?"

"Nah mate. No one does that anymore. We're going to take you to the station and call your parents, alright?"

My stomach churns. Neither of my parents will be very happy. 

They put me in the car and drive off. I look down at my hands and try not to listen to their quiet conversation.

"He's only 16 though."

"That doesn't change the fact he did the wrong thing!"

Possibly to drown out the other officer's arguments, one of them turns on the radio. Some random Rihanna song is just finishing. The radio announcer goes into a long spiel about some rising pop star and I tune out.

I look out the window and see we're driving along the coast now. We pass the turnoff to our house and turn right instead towards the station.

The next song starts playing and I almost die of embarrassment. It's Younger.

I scrunch up my eyes and try to stay quiet as possible.

"Oh god!" Says the officer who isn't driving. He turns around quickly. "That's where I know you from! You're that... that kid! My daughter loves you." He turns back to the road and I lean back in the chair trying to make myself invisible. This is possibly the worst situation I've ever been in.

The other officer doesn't take her eyes off the road but she turns down the radio and begins to speak slowly.

"We can't get you in trouble then... you're a singer. Your career would end." She pulls over into a bus bay and, to my surprise, asks for a selfie before letting me go. 

They drive off and I sit on the bench at the bus stop trying to work what the hell just happened.


I turn around and see Sez, Coco's roommate. 

"Ruel, you're on the news."

She stands in front of me, arms crossed.

"For what?" I ask. 

"Stealing a car."

I'm impressed with how fast the news broke. 

"Oh god, this is so bad, this could ruin my career..."

"Nate's been calling your parents for hours, he can't reach anyone. Says the new ep's ready."

I roll my eyes.

"I heard about Alira's mum."

"From who?!"

"Sylvie. You know she's the one who found out about it in the first place?"




"You ok?"

I sigh. "Yeah, Sez, I'm good."

She gives me a lift home and we don't talk much. I hop out and mutter thank you before running up to the house.

It's late afternoon and I'm exhausted as ever.

I flop onto the couch and lie with my eyes shut, head spinning


"What now!?"

I sit up and I'm embarrassed to see Coco.

"Sorry, I thought you were...."

"It doesn't matter. This is urgent."

Yeah, because with everything that's happened today an urgent situation is exactly what I need.

your eyes ~ RUEL FAN FIC ~Where stories live. Discover now