Alira's POV

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I subconsciously see the room fill with more and more people. I'm lifted onto a bed and something gets injected into my arm. I feel my whole body tense and release. 

I can breathe easier now but they put an oxygen mask on and roll the bed outside. Into a car.

I struggle against something heavy holding me down. Everything is foggy.

When I hear the sirens I know I'm in an ambulance. Slowly I return to full consciousness. The world becomes clear as water and I can hear normally again. I realise I have forgotten to breathe and gasp for air.

A hand comes down over the oxygen mask, holding it on as my fingers scramble to rip it off and breathe.

"It's ok, calm down, take some deep breaths."

"What's going on?!" My voice comes out muffled by the mask. 

"We're taking you to hospital but you're ok now. Do you have your parents, or a guardians phone number?"

I don't register the question and continue to panic.

"You need to calm down." Says the paramedic more firmly this time. "You're ok. You're safe. We are helping you. Have you taken any substances, drugs, alcohol, anything?"

"No!" I gasp. 

"Are you having an allergic reaction to, say, nuts?"

"No, I don't think-"

"Do you have any clue what caused this?"

"Caused what?!"

"You went into circulatory shock. It can kill you. You aren't getting enough blood flow around your body so we gave you some adrenaline."

I resign from my struggle and lie defeated.

"What's your name?"


"He old are you Alira?"

"I'm 16."


"Yeah, why?"

"I've never seen circulatory shock in someone so young. I just need to recheck your vital signs, ok?"


I drift off a few times but I get awoken each time by the stressed paramedic.

"Don't fall asleep, you're still in shock so you might not wake up!" She says stressed after the fifth time.

I don't have energy to say sorry.

"We're here." She says. "I'm going to take the bed out, you might feel some bumps."

I close my eyes again as she pulls me out and the ambulance and the other paramedic who was driving walks ahead to open the door.

Next thing I know I've been transferred to a hospital bed and the paramedics have left to be replaced by a grouchy looking nurse.

"C'mon, drink some water, now, we don't want dehydration on top of this."

She sounds accusing, as if this is all my fault. 

I take a sip from the cup next to my bed and flop back onto the pillows breathlessly. The oxygen mask, although helping me breathe better, is also starting to pinch and chafe.

The nurse bustles over from the corner peering over her glasses at a needle which she is preparing.

"Not another one." I sigh. I hate needles.

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