Heartbeat/How I Feel

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This love wasn't enough for us to survive
I swear, I swear, I swear i tried
You took the life right or of me
I'm so unlucky I can't breathe
You took the life right out of me
I am longing for your heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat......❤❤❤

I don't know what I did wrong, I thought I did everything I was supposed to do as a mother but I guess I was wrong. No one knows how it feels to literally have the life ripped out of you, not unless you've been though the same thing. I picked out names, I dreamt about the day I would see my baby, I even bought clothes. Everything is ruined now, my life has no meaning now, my husband left, our daughter is in a coma and I don't have my baby, I am truly alone. These past six months have been pure hell for me, I have been strong through a lot and I have been able to recover from a lot but I know I won't be able to recover from this, from all of this, it's meaningless. My life and everything in it is meaningless to me and it will always be from now on. What's the point of having a meaningless lifeWhat's the point of having any lifeIs this even considered life if I feel like you're already dead ?   At this point I'm just tired......tired of all this madness and trying to figure all of this out I'm just done.

I'm done...I can't take this anymore.......Goodbye

Love Giselle

I wish...this life was mine (jayonce story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now