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Everyone wants me to take the medication
but if I'm medicated
am I even myself anymore?
I think not.
I think it pulls me away from myself
and creates a fictional character,
it just hides the pain inside.

The more I take this medication the more I feel  I'm going insane.
I'm losing myself to a pill.
It brings me a feeling of emptiness
and painful sense of numb.
Brings me to a gone stare making me feel like...
I'm not there at all.

A laugh that has some pained happiness that's very controlled and fake.
A laugh that is pushed out of my mouth and sounds different then my causal and real happy giggles that I can conquer.

To a point where it hurts to think for myself.
It hurts to be myself.
It's hard to know who I am, myself, is while I'm on this medication.
I'm not myself.
This isn't a version of myself closely at all.

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