Nothing Real, But Numb

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It hurts when you know that what you have with them isn't real.
When you know that it is all just a mirage that you want to be real.
When you know that you are being used,
but you don't stop them-because at least if you are being used then you're not alone.
So you continue...
Sending, snapping, touching,
When you finally accept that maybe you can't feel real happiness but at least you can feel the fake stuff.
It's better than being numb after all.

Yes, I want to see someone.
But I want to feel something with that someone when I am feeling them.
I want something real.
I want something more than just touch.
I want emotion.
I want a relationship.
But no. I continue doing what I'm doing.
Knowing guys don't want the same thing anymore.
I do what I do because I know that what I want is no longer in my reach. 
At least I found momentarily happiness,
at least I can feel someone. I'm not alone.
I feel lonely, but I'm surrounded by people.
The smile is really the mirage.
The inside is the reality.

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