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Careful careful- you must be,
Careful careful- for its coming for me.

Coming coming- for it still larks,
Coming coming- from the dark.

Waiting waiting- for us to see,
Waiting watching- for thee to plea.

Tempting tempting- for thy to sin,
Tempting tempting- until it wins.

Blinding blinding- don't hide inside,
Blinding blinding- it will use your pride.

Crying crying- until you take knee,
Crying crying- or until you flee.

Running running- until you fall,
Running running- for it still calls.

Stalking stalking- it doesn't leave,
Stalking stalking- until it thieves.

Using using- the weakness in mind,
Using using- the weakness to bind.

Dragging dragging- where you know,
Dragging dragging- down you go.

Torturing torturing- letting it hurt,
Torturing torturing- letting it spirt.

Dripping dripping- the blood will still run,
Dripping dripping- in the tons.

Dying dying- in the low,
Dying dying- very slow.

Raging raging- till it ends,
Raging raging- the war just began.

Drowning Under HumanityWhere stories live. Discover now