2. Confrontation

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Ryan and Tyler had fights very, very often. But no matter how bitchy they could be towards one another, it never lasted. The two needed each other more than they relied on their own families- they were like brothers.

Not only did their arguments allow them to blow off steam from the stress of their lives, but it also kept them grounded whenever their egos took over. Although, it was usually Tyler who tended to slip into the passenger seat and allow his emotions to run wild in fits of angry, unprovoked words. People like Ryan never treated him like a celebrity, they reminded him that he was equal to everyone else, and was never afraid to call them out when they were being overdramatic.

Who knows where Tyler would be if it weren't for for Ryan Ross... actually, most likely dead.

If the two really hated each other, they wouldn't continue to catch up  for their weakly brunches. Their late mornings at the cafe was mutual ground where they were able to brush off any insults and hateful words spat by the other. In fact, in most cases they would decide to forget about it completely.

Tyler had been looking forward to seeing Ryan. He hadn't left his house since the incident involving Joshua and he had grown dreadfully bored.

"Jesus Christ, Tyler. What happened to you?" Ryan gaped when he saw the condition of his semi-concealed friend.

"Don't say his name like that." Tyler tutted disapprovingly.

"Sorry." Ryan apologized quickly, remembering how Tyler hated people using blasphemy around him. "But seriously... are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just had a rough week." Tyler muttered, glancing into his lap. Ryan could hear the clinking of Tyler's rosary beads which the other boy twisted between his fingers.

"For Go... Gosh's sake, Tyler. I can tell when you're not doing well. When was the last time you ate?"

Tyler was sickly pale, the only other colour in his skin being a nasty shade of yellow. He was thinner than usual and his cheeks looked like they were starting to get hollow, you could even see that his eyes were sunken behind the tint of his sunglasses.

"I just smoked a few too many cigarettes, that's all." Tyler defended himself.

Either way, Ryan flagged down Jenna so that they could order but when Tyler tried to order another Irish coffee, Ryan quickly changed it to a glass of water and orange juice.

"Alright, I'll have someone bring it out in a minute." Jenna smiled before taking her leave.

Tyler glared at him and Ryan sighed, "You need to take a break from that, get a little healthier for a while and let your body recover."

"I don't need to recover. I'm fine. I've done this hundreds of times and I'm still alive."
Ryan scoffed, "Barely. You're sick, Tyler."
Tyler flinched, "Can we not talk about this here? I don't want people knowing that I'm 'sick'-"

"You're sick? I think we've got some advil in the kitchen." Josh smiles, placing down a cup of water alongside some orange juice.
Tyler groaned, "For Pete's sake, why do people keep offering me advil?"
Tyler's eyes widened and he turned his head in horror and as soon as he saw who the voice belonged to he cowered away, pulling his hood up and leaning away.

"I know it's you, dumbass. I saw you come in." Josh rolled his eyes.

Tyler gasped and looked at Josh, obviously displeased. "Are you stalking me?"

"Yeah, ignore the fact that I work here." Josh hummed before adding, "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? You look like some stuck-up celebrity."

"Well maybe I am, Joshua. I guess that, that also means you're obsessed with this 'stuck- up celebrity'."

Ryan cuts in before Josh, "Seriously, Tyler? He just said he works here." Ryan looked up at Josh to say, "Congrats on the job, man."

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