1. Maggot

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Tyler Joseph was impossible to spot in a crowd, he was always so paranoid of being seen by paparazzi that he would go to the most ridiculous lengths to have his physical appearance concealed outside of his home. His friend Ryan Ross was very similar but not nearly as extreme as Tyler was but Ryan had grown used to recognising his friend when they'd have their weekly brunches at Jenna's Juice Bar.

It was a tiny, local cafe which sold a lot more different types of coffee than juice, but there was no better place to go when you were avoiding the media. Jenna was a sweet girl and would never sell the two out, even though she was a fan of both their music. She treated them like they were humans.

So when Tyler shuffled into the nearly empty cafe, wearing his signature sunglasses, a dad hat, a scarf, hoodie, and gloves, Ryan only smiled and waved him down from where he sat. They always sat in the same spot to the point where Jenna began to reserve the table for them every Tuesday. Ryan preferred to sit in a wooden chair by the window while Tyler sat across from him on a bench concealed by a throne of pillows.

Together they'd eat brunch and drink coffee, all while discussing their lives like a fucked up version of a mother's club.

"So, you went to My Chem's party last weekend. Yeah?" Tyler asked, taking a drink from his Irish coffee.

"I wasn't going to, to be honest. They're cool but they're more Brendon and Pete's friends than mine. It was fun though. Gerard got fucking doped up."

Tyler giggled into his coffee. "I expected that."

"Here you go, boys. The smashed avo and salmon toast for Ross, and the vegan pancakes for... you, mister." Jenna smiled brightly as she gave the pair their food. Tyler felt his chest warm at the fact that Jenna always remembered not to address him by his name in public- you never know who's listening.

"It looks amazing, Jen. Thank you." Ryan thanked her in a soft voice, speaking for both himself and Tyler.

The pair then continued to eat quietly, only making small talk occasionally before returning to a comfortable state of silence. That's how Tyler preferred it, it made him feel calm.

"Would you like another coffee, mister?" Jenna asked, popping up at their table a few minutes later.

"No, no thank you. It was beautiful though." Tyler sai some part-timers. Must be nice being able to make your own music in the safety of your own home." Jenna said, sighing at the thought.

"To'mae'to, to'mah'to, Jenna." Tyler muttered.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Call me if you need in a low voice. He then glanced over to the notice board and spotted a 'Jenna's Juice Bar: Staff Wanted!' sign.
"Say, I guess your cafe's growing if you need more hands on deck?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's slowly started getting busier here so I'd love anything." She smiled, making her way back to the front counter.

Tyler watched her walk away, his focus slipping into another daydream until Ryan spoke up. "I don't think Brendon's taking me seriously anymore." He sighs.

Tyler frowned, "What do you mean? Have you started working on the new album yet?"

"Yeah but- I just don't think he likes my writing anymore. Keeps saying shit about how he doesn't want to 'sound gay'."

Tyler's face twisted into disgust. "Your writing is sexy, Ryan. Brendon doesn't know what he's talking about."

"He's right though! I let my emotions get in the way of my writing too much and it ends up as some gay-emo blur."

Anklebiters - JoshlerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon