Chapter 11

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A pair of strong hands pushed Dan backwards and Dan went sprawling on the ground but he got up quickly and crouched, ready to kill that guy who stopped him from getting his blood he needs.

Dan smelled another different scent of blood and this smelled even better than Chandler's, it was that guy's. Dan just let himself be taken over by his vampire self and he could barely feel himself running to that guy and sucking out the blood. It was so sweet that he could just go on and drink all the blood forever.

Dan felt someone kick him in the stomach not really that hard but enough to make Dan stop. Dan looked at that guy and he is slender and tall and has dark brown hair. Dan wiped the blood off his lips and asked, "Who are you?"

That guy didn't reply straight away, he walked to Chandler and knelt down beside him asking him questions. Dan suddenly remembered Chandler and he ran to him but because of his vampire speed, he slam into the wall behind Chandler.

That decides thing that guy thought. He stood up and said, " I'm Matthew..or Matt if you prefer, I heard that you were bitten recently and I came down to check on you..and I'm glad I did, you almost killed someone."

Dan flinched at when Matt said 'killed' but he turned away from him and told Chandler, "I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to push you and almost kill-"

Chandler cut him off with a weak and strained voice, "I know..I don't blame you..I know-" He stopped as he coughed, blood splattered all over the floor.

Dan stood up in alarm and stared at the amount of blood that Chandler coughed up. He asked agitated and upset, "Are you alright?.." he didn't wait for a reply, "Trust me okay?"

Chandler nodded slightly and grimaced in pain. Dan picked Chandler up gently and walked to the room at the end of the hallway. Inside the room was just a few beds and drawers and the whole room was painted dark blue, apparently demon slayers prefer dark colours to light ones.

Dan placed a healing spell on Chandler and the cuts on his arms and legs vanished almost immediately, he sat up and grinned, "Thanks Dan."

He suddenly noticed Matt leaning against the door causally with his hands in his pocket. Dan suddenly heard 'Mind if we talk?' in his head. Dan swirled around confused and his eyes rested on Matt hiding a smile. He glared at Matt before turning back to Chandler and gave an apologetic smile, "Mind if I go out for a while?"

Chandler nodded with a slight smile and Dan gave him a grateful smile before turning and walking towards Matt.

" did you do that?" Dan demanded.

Matt answer calmly, "It's nothing, it just needs training," but Dan still does not look pleased, he gave a sigh, "All vampires have the ability to communicate with each other through their just have to practise a lot but it will be tiring during the first few times you try to do it."

Dan gasped and he looked impressed and asked, almost demanded, "Cool! Teach me how!"

Matt laughed and Dan frowned and asked, "What's so funny?"

Matt gave another laugh, "You have to learn it one can teach you how to do it. Concentrate hard and focus, I'm sure you can do it within a few weeks."

Matt meant that as a compliment but Dan looked disappointed, "Few weeks? That's so long..."

Matt rolled his eyes and continued as if Dan had not spoken, "Vampires have to feed every two to three days but newborns like you have to feed every day-"

"What's a newborn?" Dan asked.

Matt sigh in exasperation, "It's a vampire that's was bitten three months or less ago..can I continue?" Dan nodded, " should always know when you need to drink..."

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