Chapter 15

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Liz leaned back and looked at Lewis with doubtful eyes, "How will that help?"

Lewis laughed a sad laugh, "You don't trust me?"

Liz shook her head but since Lewis was looking at the floor, he didn't see that. Liz leaned forward and their lips crushed against each other, the kiss filled with passion and love.

"I trust you Chris, always," Liz whispered against his lips.

Liz could tell that Lewis smiled and he leaned even nearer to Liz and his arms were positioned around Liz's neck.


"Lewis?" Matt asked confused and waited for Dan to continue.

"Yes, my twin brother," Dan's eyes stink, as if acknowledging him hurts.

"Oh..okay?.. But-" he stared off into space and looked at the window that was covered with a huge black curtain.

At first, Dan didn't get it, but now he did. "The sunlight...we can't go out of the house," Dan whispered.

Matt nodded sadly and walked off to the kitchen, Dan just sat them slumped in the sofa looking even whiter than usual. Matt walks back with a bottle of blood in his hands, "You don't look good, here drink this," he handed the bottle to Dan.

Dan didn't just take it, he grabbed it and unscrewed the cap and threw it onto the table, he drank the blood in one gulp and looked up thristly, wanting more.

"Control Dan...control..." Matt said slowly.

Dan took in a few deep breathes and he felt better, he gave a sigh and wiped off any blood near his mouth.

"Then..what can we do?" Dan asked impatiently.

Matt sighed and looked at Dan, "You won't like this Dan.."

"Try me," Dan said simply.

"My dear little Dan, all we can do is to play the waiting game," Matt sank back into the sofa with his eyes closed and Dan groaned, didn't he have enough sleep yesterday? He slept the whole night. How boring can a vampire's life get?

Liz raised his hands to knock on the door but she stopped when her hands were millimeters away. She stood there thinking if this was the right thing to do. What are my choices? Chandler's life is at stake and he seems good friends with Dan too...he wasn't too bad for a guy. She smiled at the last thought. She took a deep breath and knocked,

"Come in," a very exhausted and impatient voice replied.

This is going to be hard. Liz slipped into the room sliently and asked Rafe, "How far would you go to save Chandler?" She blurted out not really sure of what's her plan.

Rafe leaned back in his armchair and rested there comfortably thinking, "Well....I would say not that far.." he smiled a little.

" don't like Chandler huh?" Liz asked hesitantly, stalling for time, she needed to think and fast! She wreaked her brain and just one idea stood out from the rest, she had to do it. For Chandler, for Chris and lastly, for Dan.
"Beep!" a sound jerked Dan back, he sat up straight and looked around, wondering what that sound was when he saw that he had a new message, he flipped his phone on and realised that it wasn't really a message, it was more of a video. Dan didn't think much about it so he clicked it.

Chandler was lying limp on the floor, blood stains all over the floor. He couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't do anything. He tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Landon and he spit out more blood. Chandler felt more pain he ever felt before, not just in his head, which is burning-just as if someone had actually start a fire and threw him inside, but in all parts of his body, his hands, legs and mostly his stomach where he was kicked too many times that he lost count. This time, Lewis came into the room, carrying something new, Chandler didn't know what it was all until when that thing came slamming down on his bare body, it was a rope, not just a normal rope but those that were rough and uneven. That rope came down a second time, splitting open his flesh, he yelled in pain and shrieked and screamed but all this were in vain. The rope just came down harder and faster ever single time and Chandler screamed louder and louder until all he managed was to croaked.

Dan clenched his fist and grabbed on to the closest thing to him and that was the cushion. The video ended with a last look at Chandler, white, pale, blood all around his head and long, deep and ugly lines stretched through the whole of his back. His hands and legs were trembling and he looks like he was choking on his own blood.

Another message: He doesn't have much time left.

Dan punched the wall in frustration and blood dripped down the sofa.

Come now my dear sweet brother, I'm waiting.

Dan didn't even have the time to move when another message came in, Oh wait..I forgot! You can't walk in sunlight! Lets see how you get here.

Dan screamed in anger, startling Matt and causing him to jump up in shock. 

"I have to safe him," Dan yelled at Matt, he looks stunned even.

"You're going to die," Matt replied matter of factly.


I'm going crazy! I know I just updated a while ago but I just can't stop myself from writing this!! AND 232 READS!! Omg!! Thank you so much!!:))))))

This chapter is short but the main action is going to take place in probably the next chapter, have to wait! :D

Sorry to say, but this story is coming to an end as you might probably be able tell:(( comment if you want a sequel!

Btw, should Chandler die? Or not? Comment!! Haha. Why am I talking so much today!

Anyways Vote, comment and follow!! Stay awesome!! :)))


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