Chapter 1

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"Awesome job!" Dan complimented Liz.

Dan is a nickname for Daniel Carter and Liz is Dan's best friend. Both Liz and Dan are demon slayers which is a group of people dedicated to kill vampires, werewolf, demons, witches and wizards and Rafe is the leader of all the demon slayers.

Dan and Liz have been sent to kill a some demons and they took took care of them easily as those demons were easy to kill.

Dan has been a demon slayer since he was thirteen and has been training very hard for the past three years and had became the best demon slayer ever.Liz full name is Liz Campbell and she has long and dark brown hair.

Liz looked into Dan's blue eyes and smiled. Liz became a demon slayer a year ago when she was fifteen, she is a quick learner and learned all that Dan taught her in days.

Dan laughed and took out his enchanted sword and created a portal back their dormitory. All demon slayers have a sword enchanted by a witch that can create any kinds of portal to almost everywhere.

The dormitory is the place where most demon slayers live and there are many rooms in the dormitory, however a lot of demon slayers were send to another country to seek out demons and vampires so the dormitory is pretty much empty except for around ten people living in it.


Liz just got back to her room and before she even have the chance to change her clothes, Landon came charging into her room. Landon has dark brown eyes and he is also Liz's best friend.

"Whoa..can you at least knock on the door before coming...what's wrong?" Liz snapped before stopping when she saw Landon's expression. Landon face was red and he was gasping and he lookes really nervous, he took a few deep breaths befpre continuing,

"Liz! It's Ty! We were hunting and Ty got serverely injured!" Ty is short for Tyler and Tyer is Liz's brother. Liz who was previously lying on her bed now sat up straight jumping up and asking Landon, "WHAT? HOW DID HE GET INJURED? WHERE IS HE NOW, I WANT TO SEE HIM!" Liz pratically screamed at Landon.

Landon took a deep breath and told her to follow him and he will tell Liz what happened along the way. "We were told by Rafe that we would be fighting some vampires as they were kiling humans just for fun but when we got to the cave that they were hiding in, there was a witch in that cave and we were caught off-guard and that's why we tried to run away but before we could make it out of the cave, the witch threw a potion at Ty and he was knocked unconcious. Rafe came to see Ty and he told me that the potion was very strong that it could kill Ty. We placed a healing spell on Ty but it does not seems to be working."

Landon stopped in front of a door just he finish speaking, Liz assumed that this was the room where Ty is resting. Liz nodded and opened the door quietly so as to not disturb Ty. When Liz walked into the room, she saw Ty lying on the bed in the middle of the room, Ty was very pale as there were little colours in his cheeks.

Liz was very scared as usually, when a demon slayer is injured, the healing spell would be placed on the injured demon slayer and that demon slayer would be healed almost instantly but even though a healing spell was placed on Ty, Ty is still unconcious.

Landon walked into the room and placed his hand on her shoulder and Liz tried to fight back the tears that are almost spilling out but she did not want to cry now, not now. Liz clenched her fists and sat down slowly beside Ty on the bed.

"I want you to wake up..please.."Liz could no longer fight the tears that were rolling down her cheeks anymore, she broke down and started sobbing.

At that moment, someone opened the door softly and peered in, it was Dan. "Is Ty okay?" Dan asked.

"Not too good," Landon hesitated before continuing," He was struck by a witch..I" Dan cut him off with a cry as he saw Ty and opened his momth but closed it again hastily as he looked at Liz and signaled to Landon to follow him outside. Liz did not even notice them leaving as she was too focused on Ty.

"Please Ty! Wake up! I need much..too much." Liz looked at Ty's closed eyes and took his hand before repeating what she just said.

All of a sudden, Liz saw Ty's fingers twitch and he stirred and opened his eyes, Liz screamed loudly. Dan came running into the room with Landon running right behind him. "What happen? Liz.." Dan began but his words died in his throat as he saw Ty sitting on the bed and his eyes being as green as a cat's eyes unlike his usual blsck eyes.

"Ty? You..are...are alive! I..." Landon spluttered.

Ty yawned and looked at Landon with his eyebrows raised and looking a bit hurt, "Of course I am!" Ty looked angry now, "Do you want me to die?"

" course not! How do you feel?" Landon managed to smiled a little. Before Ty could reply, Dan said a bit in a hurry, "Actually..Ty, we need to tell Rafe something so rest well and we will come again later." Dan grinned at Ty and Ty could only nod his head looking a bit lost.

Once they were outside of the room, Dan immediately turnrd and questioned Liz, "What was that? Did you just heal Ty? He was unconcious.. and when we came back, he was sitting on his bed and looking at us with whose creppy cat eyes, green in colour. What did you do?"

Liz was lost for words and she could only shook her head slowly and replied, "I really don't know..all I did was hold Ty's hands begging him to wake up and then he woke up! I have no idea why he has green colour eyes, are you actually angry at me? For saving your best friend and my brother?" Liz was getting angry at Dan as she thinks that Dan is blaming her for what she did.

Landon spoke before Dan could say anything hurtful to Liz, "Well..lets not say anything to Rafe for the time being, at least until we can find out what actually happened? Don't blame anyone okay? It's none of our fault,"Landon looked at Dan as he speaks.

Dan did not reply as he stared off into space while Liz stormed back into his room and slammed the door shut. Dan turned and walked back slowly to his room leaving Landon alone. "I really hate having to be the peacemaker," He muttered and kind of complains before returning to his room.


Dan was pacing around in his room as he not know what to do. A week ago, while Dan was on his way back to the dormitory, he met a boy around seventeenand told him that one of his friends would get a kind of secret power and exactly five days after that, his friend would die a horrible death. That boy also said that if his friend really got a secret power, he wants Dan to meet him at that exactly same place.

Dan did not know if he should go and meet the boy as he might be walking into his trap but if he does not go, he will never find out .Dan also wanted to know how that boy knows that Liz would have a secret power, Dan took a few swords and wore some kind of armor just in case that boy turned out to be a enermy.


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