Chapter 5

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"My dear little brother..I'm so glad that you are willing to cooperate with me." Lewis greeted Dan with a smile when Dan entered the room.

Dan was sick of Lewis's fake smiles, " You?..haha..why would I.." Dan wanted to continue but Chandler interrupted him for fear of him angering Lewis.

"He will only cooperate with us..I mean..with you only if you promise not to hurt Liz and Landon." Chandler interrupted quickly.

Lewis did not look surprised and replied, "I will promise you that if you finish what I want you to do. I swear and if I don't, I will stave to death and die a horrible death." Dan was surprised that Lewis knows the how to swear the demon slayer way and he must have looked surprised as Lewis added, "I was brought up by our mum and she is also a demon slayer."

Dan hesitated for a moment before replying, "Fine..what do I have to do?"

Lewis asks Chandler to get out before explaining what he wants Dan to do, "Okay..I want you to go back to the dormitory and act as if none of this happened and also..act normal. After that, Rafe would have a necklace that can help me remove the curse..I need you to bring it back to me and I will release Liz and Landon and everything would be back to normal."

Dan widens his eyes and asked as if Lewis is insane, "That necklace? He keeps it like it is gold! I won't ever be able to get it! And how am I suppose to act normal when Liz and Landon are missing? What on earth are you saying? Why?.." Lewis let Dan scream at him and he kept silent waiting for him to finish. Dan was enraged and his eyes were blazing with fury.

"You have to get it..or else, Liz and Landon would die..all because of you. I'm pretty sure you did a lot of impossible things, so..this is no different," Lewis was just leaning casually against the wall beside Dan as he said that.

Dan was speechless, he thought, "Lewis has gone too far, what does he mean by this is no different? If I agree to this..I would be betraying Rafe and all demon slayers...this is so different! Too different!" He suddenly thought of a good idea, maybe not that good..but still..what's the other option?

"I will have to consider this..give me two days.." Dan said cautiously, trying his best to look angry instead of being happy that he thought of an idea. His acting must be pretty good as Lewis frowned and put his hands in his pocket. Two days? What is he up to? Oh well..whatever..what can he do? Lewis thought.

"Fine..two days it is then.." Lewis agreed.

Dan turned around and walked out of the door expecting someone outside the door and be was right, lucky for him, it was Chandler. Chandler looked up just Dan opened the door, "Hey, Dan! Damm..I was so bored waiting for you agree?" Chandler's eyes glinted in amusement, "Wait..let me guess! You didn't agree..and you even," he lowered his voice before continuing, "You even thought of a plan!"

Dan was surprised and a little alarmed that Chandler knows what he is thinking.

"Dude! Are you a mind-reader?" Dan exclaimed laughing, he was actually agreeing with Chandler and admiting that he has plan but he knew he could trust Chandler.

"Your expression..but I'm naturally good at reading people's thoughts..I was actually trained to do that. That's also why Lewis choose me..Lewis never choose people who isn't that good.." Chandler gave a sigh when he said the last part.

Dan started walking back to the room where he was held 'Prisoner' in but Chandler grab his hand and pulled him back, " Dan! Where are you going?" He hissed even though he was smiling, "Liz and Landon are over there..." Chandler pointed at the opposite direction.

"What?" Dan exclaimed in surprise, quite loudly.

"Shut up! Do you want me to help or not?" Chandler hissed.

Dan laughed and nodded before following Chandler, he was surprised that Chandler was willing to help him even though he did not ask him to help, he suddenly thought of something, "Hey! Chandler! What will happen with Lewis? Won't he kill you?"

Chandler turned back abruptly and Dan almost smash into him, Chandler wore a solemn expression and said slowly, "I forgot about him..but.."His face broke into a grin and continued, "Who says I'm staying here? I will never return here again, never in my life."

Chandler broke into a run to the door at the end of the hall and Dan ran to catch up. Chandler took out a key and opened the door with a smirk on his face, he inclined his head to inside the room and followed in after Dan. That room was pitch dark and they had to feel around to know where to go, Chandler walked to a corner and switched on the lights.

"Liz! Landon!" Dan ran to them and dropped to his knees, "Are you alright?"

"Dan! We are alright.." Liz replied.

Dan heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Whew..that's the way, that is later..lets get out of here first."

Liz and Landon did not really seems to want to leave and Dan was puzzled, he was just about to say something but Chandler interrupted him, "This is the real Daniel."

Liz and Landon shared a glance and Landon shrugged and stood up and together, they made their way out of the room.

Chandler switched off the lights and took out the key and opened the door and right in front of them is a boy wearing a white shirt and jeans, staring at them with bright blue eyes, eyes..just like Dan, but it is not Dan, it is Lewis.


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