Chapter 12

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You are not even a demon slayer anymore. Have you heard of a vampire being a demon slayer? Dan thought of these words over and over again, he shuddered as he tried to push away these thoughts.

Dan was in his room with memories flowing wildly inside his mind. He was so focus that he did not hear someone come in through the window and standing behind him.

"I'm really sorry about-" Matt started but stopped when Dan jumped in surprise and fell of the bed. Matt looked at Dan and gasped, Dan looked pale and strained. Matt pulled Dan to his feet and asked angrily, "What happened to you?"

"What?" Dan asked but his voice came out as a croak.

"You just drank! How are you hungry again?" Matt asked outrage.

"I'm fine..why are you uptight?" Dan told Matt, grinning a little but Matt looks angry and didn't return with a smile or anything.

"Let me show you something, follow me," Matt told Dan and climbed out of the window, Dan gave a sigh but followed him.

What did Matt mean by that? I'm hungry? I did just drink.. Dan wondered.

They walked at normal human pace to where Matt wanted to go.

"Where are we going?" Dan asked curious.

"There is a place nearby that sells blood for vampires for vampires that don't actually bear to kill humans.." Matt laughed at the last part, "and it's a place that normal human can't see."

Matt stopped in front of a shop. That shop has a gigantic label at the top of it, 'Sink your teeth into this!" with sharp white fangs at each side of the label. Matt opened the door and went inside. He went to that girl standing behind the counter and told her something that even Dan could not hear. That girl took out some bottles containing blood inside. Matt smiled his charming smile before leaving. Dan raised his eyebrows and joked, "That girl likes you Matt.."

Matt stopped smiling and turned on Dan, "Shut up!"

"Okay..don't have to be so fierce," Dan replied a bit shocked at Matt's reaction.

Matt glared at Dan for a while before stalking off angrily. Dan stood there frozen, not sure why Matt got so angry at him. I was just making a joke! Dan whined in his head.

He looked up to find that Matt was nowhere to be seen. He swirled around but Matt seems to be missing. Dan let out a frustrated growl and walked off into the night. Dan suddenly felt dizzy and held on to the wall for support. He blinked a few times but it seems to get worse. He walked - half stumbling - to an alley, Dan suddenly remembered the main reason why he had came to this weird place - it was because Matt says he needs to drink.

Dan was suddenly aware of the stinking pain in his throat. To make things much much worse, there is a group of girls standing in the alley, most probably drunk but Dan can't tell. He walked wildly out of control to them almost running and he could smell the sweet scent of their blood. He closed his eyes willing himself to get away from them but the sweet scent of blood was just too tempting. His eyes snapped opened and before he knew it, his fangs came out. He snarled and leapt forward causing the girls to back away in fright.

Too late girls.. Dan thought wickedly as his fangs sink into one of the girls neck, she has pretty long hair and Dan must admit, she does look beautiful...but it's all too too late. That girl screamed in pain and struggled hard and her arms swinging wildly and legs kicking everywhere. After a few seconds, there was silence and Dan let go of the girl and she fall to the floor limp and pale, dead.

Dan looked at that girl, limp and dead and felt a pang of guilt. I killed her..was Dan's first thought. He backed away and fell to the floor suddenly feeling afraid and guilty. She didn't even do anything..I didn't control myself, if I did- Dan pushed all these thoughts away and bit his lips and bury his head in his knees. He suddenly felt someone pull him onto his feet.

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