Lastly, he transfigured his clothes to nicer wizarding robes. Leather ones with a black leather cape and high supple leather boots.

He stood, and immediately disapparated. He appeared in the small courtyard behind the Leaky Cauldron and tapped on the wall, wandlessly opening it. He stepped into Diagon Ally and permitted himself a big, content sigh. He was finally home, in the Wizarding world of Great Britain.

As he looked around, he couldn't help but notice how lively it was in comparison to how Harry has known it during the war. All the shops were open, Gringotts shining in the sun and everywhere you looked were families, happily chattering with each other in the fuzzy atmosphere

Harry shook himself out of it. Enough loitering already- he had a job to do. Using a small amount of his magic, he gave himself a slightly menacing aura. He didn't really care about the scare factor, but this way people would unconsciously move out of his way. Harry hated bumping into people.

Setting a fast pace, Harry weaved through the crowd quickly, his steps purposeful and calculated. He easily made his way to Knockturn. Looking into the alley, he stood still for a second, remembering times that would hopefully never come. Then, he blinked once, surprised and slightly disappointed with himself to loose view of his surroundings, and entered.

Firstly, he made his way to Borgin&Burkes. He knew they had a multitude of second-hand wands, and would gladly... liberate one. It was easily done, a quick confundo at mr Burkes and he summoned the wand that was best suited for his magic, making a hollow duplicate to place back on the shelf. Thank Merlin for wandless magic, and for the fact that Burkes didn't have any other customers at the moment.

Seeing as his business with Burkes was done, he quickly left the store again. Now, he was going for a tavern or bar. He knew the Vampire's Kiss, which was a decent, but slightly shady club, and also The Broken Wand, a bar that attracted mostly non-human clientele. Further, there was of course the Tapered Wick, founded by Wichard Abbot- a notoriously paranoid fellow back in the eighteen-hundreds.

For this particular instance though, Harry thought it better to wander deeper into the darker and more illegal side-streets of Knockturn. It was strange, Harry mused, that many people thought Knockturn was the only "darker" street. Knockturn was actually mostly used as a term for the whole system of shady wizarding streets on this side of Diagon.

Harry ventured over to Cross Street- a small alleyway with on it one of the most dubious bars/clubs in Knockturn. The Curious Niffler was known as the place to get shady deals and services. Harry was pretty sure that it was run by some mafia-like group.

He approached the questionable establishment confidently, not showing any weakness. He walked right past the guards at the entrance, ostensibly not looking at them once, but actually quickly checking them over for any clear strengths or weaknesses.

Inside, a light music was playing from some magically boosted Grammophone. Harry immediately went up to the bar and asked for a Blue Lady.

The book he had learned this nice tidbit of information from was quite old, so Harry wasn't really sure if it would work, but he kept his composure, looking to any casual observer perfectly relaxed. He had in fact learned it from an old Black book filled with blackmail information. Asking for a Blue Lady in any Knockturn bar, pub, or club meant wanting to speak to the local guys working in the more nefarious branches of the business.

The barman stopped doing what he was doing previously and turned his full attention to Harry.

'You want what now?'

'A Blue Lady. Preferably soon.'

The barman shifted, looking him over once. 'You sure? Seems like a heavy... drink... for someone like you.'

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