20. Daddy's perfect angel

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20. Daddy’s perfect angel

I guess I was
Never daddy’s perfect angel
But I wanted to be
Always did want to be
Daddy’s perfect angel
But I don’t make that cut

My sisters are so lucky thou
They seem to have it down
Natural-born angels
I use to get jealous
At how they got it

And I was just not enough
I tried the lord knows I tried
I screamed, fought might have
Even killed parts of me in the process
I couldn’t be daddy’s perfect angel

I was
The misfit
The outcast
The one sided noodle

They were
The in crowd
The bubbly
The peas in the pod

In all honesty
I could never do that
If my daddy was
Jesus I’d be Judas
If my daddy was
God I’d be Lucifer
If my daddy was
Allah I’d be Shaytaan
If my daddy was
Peter pan I’d be captain hook

I’ve learnt a lot
I’ve learnt to not care
It hurts less
I’m daddy’s disappointment
But I’m not daddy’s disgrace
So what?
I’m not daddy’s prefect angel
I’m punk rock and that’s something

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