1: The First Greeting

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Josephine walked down the street to the theatre. It was just weeks ago that she found out she would be joining the touring cast of Newsies as Snyper.

When she found out she basically screamed and died all at once. It was a dream come true. She got to do her favorite thing ever, perform, and be surrounded by very attractive men. Every teenage girl's dream.

Josephine would be finishing her senior year of high school on tour, which wasn't a problem for her.

Josephine walked through the stage door to be greeted by the one and only, Dan DeLuca.

" You must be Josephine." He shook her hand.

" Yeah, you can call me JoJo." She replied, slightly starstruck.

" Here, I have to get ready for the show but, Josh will be giving you your backstage tour." Dan lead her down the hall and to the door of a dressing room.

" Is everyone decent?" Dan shouted.

" Are we ever?" Someone replied. The door was swung open. Ben Tyler Cook stood there, shirtless, looking rather confused.

" Hi." He smiled at JoJo.

" Hi." She grinned, restraining a blush.

" Josh!" Dan shouted. Joshua Burrage, also shirtless, opened the door wider.

" You called?" He replied sassily. He then looked to JoJo.

" Oh, you must be Josephine, I'm Josh." He smiled, shaking her hand.

" Hi, everyone calls me JoJo." She laughed.

" And this is..." He clapped Ben on the shoulder.

" You wanna say you name?" He said to Ben. JoJo giggled, blushing lightly. Ben flinched, straightening up.

" Ben, I'm Ben." He held out his hand.

" Hi." JoJo laughed, shaking his hand.

" You'll have to excuse him, he doesn't meet many pretty girls." Dan chuckled. Ben scoffed, grabbing a shirt from somewhere out of JoJo's view.

" Well, I better go get ready. I'm leaving you with them. If they do something crazy, I'm not responsible for them." Dan smiled, slipping away.

" Rude!" Josh shouted after him. JoJo giggled.

" Okay, give me one second, and I'll give you your tour." Josh smiled, beginning to slip back into the room.

" Or...I can..." Ben said quietly.

" What a great idea Benji. You guys have fun." Josh smiled mischievously.

" Follow me." Ben smiled.

" Sorry about Josh, he can be a bit much at times." Ben said as they walked down the hall.

" No, I thought it was funny." JoJo laughed.

" Well, you'll see a lot of that with this group." Ben chuckled.

" So, these are the ladies dressing room. Since there are only five girls on the cast you'll be sharing with Melissa and Meredith." Ben lead her over to the door.

" Come we come in?" Ben knocked.

" Come on in sweetie." A voice called. Ben opened the door, letting her slip in first.

" Oh, you must be Josephine. I'm Melissa." A woman greeted her.

" Hi." JoJo smiled.

" We've heard so much about you." Another woman grinned.

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