I wipe a tear that somehow managed to escape my eyes. "Nearly 5 years , I got here when I was 22 and you've been filling the spot for my dad who lives so far away , thank you, I'll see you in a few I love you papa" my Hispanic heritage exposes.

We hug for a while "te amo , you take care now...remember to call me ok?, you deserve this y/n your amazing" we let go .

I nod and exit the studio. I see y/b/n standing by her car. "I told you!" She cheers .

I shrug with a smile . She runs up to me .

I embrace her in my arms , we twirl a few times Before I set her down.

As soon as we let go we get into her car and open up the letter.

Dear, dancer

You have been selected to join Brian and scott Nicholson along with his crew to participate in the sweetener world tour with the famous Ariana grande. At this moment you must pack 6 months worth of clothes and get ready for your flight in a few hours , text Brian for the details , his number is listed below.

Congratulations, from sweetener crew.

I squealed and clapped my hands in excitement. I already had Brian's number from last night so I texted him.

Me: so I did it?😂

Brian🤪💛: hell yeah you did! So fucking pumped to have you

Me: thanks brye

Brian🤪💛: np lmao 😂 so I'm guessing your texting me for the details?

Me: yep 😂

Brian🤪💛: Alr so lucky for you you don't have to wait like the past dancers we've picked, because your the last place we visited , so we're waiting for you at the airport in a black suv just do what the letter says , head over to the airport and we will take it from there, be here by 5:00 I'm excited!

Me: me too ! Thank you guys for this opportunity it means so much

Brian🤪💛: don't sweat it , it's our honor your dope I don't know how we didn't find you sooner, I can tell we're gonna tear shit up Lmao your one of the coolest people we've ever met , see you soon y/n/n

Me: thanks and ok brye :) see ya!

I show y/b/n the messages. We both cheer and drive off to my place. We get to my house and begin to sort the rest of my laundry.

It takes about half an hour to complete the laundry and soon I'm packing.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much y/n" my best friend says. "Me too" I say zipping up my second luggage and walking over to her.

"Can I just do something crazy " she says. I furrow my eyebrows . "Uhm ok?"

She wraps her arms around my neck and leans in "I'm sorry we didn't work out , I love you so much in a friend way and more but I can't go 6 months without doing this" she says before closing the gap.

I kiss her back and although I don't really have those feeing for her anymore but I have to be honest , I'm going to miss her so much . I know this is wrong , I pull away.

"Jeez your lips are so damn soft" she laughs.

I chuckle "you know I don't feel that way right?" I say.

She nods "yea...so wait why did you Uh ya know?"

I kiss her forehead "because I'm going to miss you so fucking much " she smiles .

We hug for a long time before I let go and continue packing.

All in all I end up filling 3 suitcases and 2 duffle bags.

Y/b/n helps me check if everything is off in my house and helps me take my luggage to her car.

We lock my home and drive to the airport.

When we're about 10 minutes out I text Brian to let him know. We slowly pull up to the front and I see scott waving in front of a black suv like Brian said he would be.

We pull up next to them and get out to get my luggage.

Brian and scott have their own luggage so I carry the 2 duffle bags and one luggage while y/b/n carries the other two. She helps me inside where Brian and Amy are.

Scott takes one of my luggages from y/b/n 's hand and Brian takes the other , they are too nice.

"Well we better get through security and drop off our luggage , common y/n " Brian says with a beam on his face . I nod and turn back at my best friend.

" I love you " I say embracing her. She nods and sniffs back the tears.

We pull away and I wipe my eyes, we walk away from her , I wave and turn ...looking at her would hurt too much.

We get sorted out at the airport as they already had Amy and I'd tickets and boarding passes set , we sit and wait for our flight to be called out.

While in the gate we receive a brief explanation form scott.

"Ok so the hard part is over , our flight should be here for take off at 7:00 so we only got wait an hour" Scott says.

I nod my head and listen in.

"I know you guys are eager to know so I'll just say it...ladies, we're headed to Beverly Hills LA, we will be meeting Ariana in her home along with the other dancers that have been chosen around the U.S , the crew usually stays in the same hotel so we will get there in LA collect our baggage and head to the hotel to get settled in and figure out your roommates , after that you'll change for dinner with the grandes at 9:00 and we will head back to the hotel later on , we will discuss tomorrows plans on the drive to dinner" Brian explains.

Amy and I nod, my leg bounces up and down in excitement. This is going to be the best year of my life.

It's in the way she moves ( Ariana/you )Where stories live. Discover now