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I woke up to light hitting my face. I groaned, not wanting to get up. I streched out and felt half of my body fall off of the couch. I forgot where I was until I felt the cold under me. I really don't want to get up yet. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 

7:25 am.

Why do I always wake up so early? I unlocked my phone and decided to message Evan.

Just woke up and already having a bad day. Miss you. xoxo - Dem

I locked my phone and streched once again. Wait where is everyone? Don't these kids have school. I got up and began walking around the house. I sighed thinking about how big it is. It's crazy how my life could've been completely different, if someone would've just not made the mistake of putting me in someone elses' hands. My moms hands. I rather have lived with this family than my mom. My life would have been so much better.. I found myself walking up the stairs and looked around. Everyones room door was shut closed except for one. I took myself to that room and peaked through the crack.

This room had two girls sleeping together in one bed, but there was two beds here. This must be Devonne and the other girl. I forgot her name. The only reason I remember Devonne is because she's my twin sister.. That's weird to say. Not only because she's my twin but because she's my sister. I've always been an only child. Now that I have like 4 sisters makes it weird. I tiptoed away from the room and decided to go to my attic room. I pulled down the steps and walked up quietly. Once I got to the top, i pulled the steps up, closing it off from the rest of the house. I looked around, I didn't realize how big it was until light was hitting it. I already have a bunch of ideas for this. Maybe I should get a couple of cleaning supplies.


 It's now 10:20 and I'm in a cab going back to the house from the mall. I've cleaned the room and needed to buy some things for it. I bought a bunch of throw pillows and pillows. Fairy lights, a small put together wooden bed side table and 2 carpets. The room is going to look amazing. I'm excited because i haven't had my own room since i've been in the system. The cab stopped in front of the house.

"How much?" I asked her. 
"$15.75" She told me popping the trunk open. She stepped out the car and began taking my things out the trunk. I got out my wallet and took out 16 dollars. I got this money from my mom, she left me whatever she had left in her bank account. That and insurance from the house that got burnt down in the fire. I handed the lady the money as i grabbed the bags. 

"Thank you." I said and began walking up to the house. I left the door open so i just opened up the door and went staight up the steps. I heard someone talking in the kitchen but I didn't stop to wave. I pulled down the steps and heard my name being called out.

"Demi, is that you?" Dianna yelled out, as if I was going to respond. I walked up the steps and put the bags down on the top. I took a deep breath, trying to catch my breath. I only wanted to make one trip up and down these steps and thank god i achieved that. 

"I take that as a yes." She said while walking out her room and into the hallway. I grabbed my white board and wrote down goodmorning.

I showed her the board and she smiled.

"Goodmorning sweet heart. Did you eat yet?" She asked me. I nodded my head, lying. 

"Ok. come down to the living room in a few. We're going to have a family discussion." She told me while walking away. I silently groaned. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone quickly.

 I have a suprise for u l8r. You'll be happy. Miss you 2. - Evan. 

I smiled to myself and put my phone down.

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