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Devonnes pov.
September 8th

               I woke up to the most obnoxious alarm clock ring i've ever head. why why WHY did school have to start today? Out of all days, it has to be a Friday, Whats the point of starting it on Friday? Why not just save it for Monday? It felt like it was just yesterday when summer began. I sat down on my bed, dreading to go. I don't have a problem with school, i just don't like waking up early. I threw myself back on my bed and closed my eyes for five more minutes..

                "WAKE UP!" I heard Selena shout at me right before she decided to jump on me.
"Jesus Selena!" I groaned and left her laying on me. "I'm going to stay right here." I added on

"Wake up, it's the first daaay offf schoooool. Our seconnddd yearrrr offfff Highhhh schoooool" she sang to me while bouncing on me. I opened my eyes and smirked at her. "It's gonna be awessooomeeee" i sang crookedly. Selena laughed at me and hit my face with a pillow.

"Go brush ya teeth. ya stank." She said with a ghetto accent. i laughed and pushed her off of me.


"Hello hello, oh beautiful family of mine." i said while walking into the kitchen where everyone was at.

"Good morning Dev," My mom said to me while yawning.

"Morning sissy!" Madison shouted, while running towards me. I smiled and caught her in my arms.  'So Guys, i was thinking that since the last day of summer was yesterday and we didn't do much this summer as a family, that we should go to Disney tonight!" I said excited. I love Disney world. It really is the happiest place on earth. "Please?" I added on.

"I think that's a great idea, dev." Selena told me and i smirked knowing it was. "Me too," maddie said.
"I'm free tonight." Dallas said smiling.

"Way to put us on the spot, Devonne" My step dad, Eddie told me. I shot them a warm smile and batted my eyelashes. 

"Pleaasseee" I pouted.  My dad looked at my mom and she shrugged. I heard my dad sigh

"YAY YES THANK GOD YAY. I LOVE YOU GUYS," I jumped in excitement and hugged and kissed them both. My sisters cheered in excitement and madison began running around.
        "You guys are the best" I smiled and grabbed some french toast from the table and put it on my plate. 


"How's your schedule?" i asked Nick and Selena. Nick has been our best friend for as long as I could remember. He's always been there, he's like a brother to us.

                "Shitty." Selena sighs, i giggled. 
"Mines awesome. I have all the shitty classes first and all the easy to pass ones last. What about yours?" Nick asked me. I looked down at my schedule,  
1st Global
2nd Gym
3rd Guitar
5th Us History
5th English
6th earth Science
7th lunch and
8th Math.

"I mean it's not the best but it's pretty chill."  I said smiling.

"I have guitar," i added on. I always wanted to learn to play but i never got a chance to. I always gave up on myself, but now i can finally have someone teach me. 

"Coolio," Selena smiled at me. I looked up at the time, 
"I think we should.. unfortunately get going to class" i laughed.

"Nooooo, lets chill for 10 minutes. It's the first day, no ones going to miss us." Nick said walking to the exit of the school. I thought about it for a few minutes and looked at selena, She just shrugged.

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