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Demis pov.

This is exactly what i was afraid of. How can they talk like that about me in front of my face? I was obviously there. Tears are running down my face and I don't know where i'm going now. I looked around and decided to go to the beach, since it's the closest thing around me. I took off my shoes quickly and began walking down the lumpy sand. I don't know what other rule to give myself, honestly. I just feel like dying. I sat down on the sand and pulled my knees up to  my chest. Tears rolled down my face like i haven't cried in weeks. I don't even know why I actually came when I could've ran away. This was all for nothing, they hate me. I hate me.

I decided to pass the time so I took out my phone and went on tumblr. I saw a few things that related to me and reblogged it. 

"hello?" I heard someone call out. I looked up and saw a man approaching me. I couldn't see his face, considering it was dark. I wiped my eyes and stood up. I really don't know what to do right now, this can either go 2 ways,

i can meet my murderer or i can meet a guy who would make me laugh and feel better for the moment. To or not to walk away.

"Devonne?" I looked at the guy once again. This time I was face to face with him. He was around my age, a little taller than me. He's absolutely gorgeous. The wind was blowing pretty roughly right now, so my hair and his were flying all crazy like.

"Devonne??" He asked again and bent down in front of me. That's probably the name of my twin, considering he'd only mistake me for her because we look alike
"Are you okay? what's wrong?" He asked. I don't know what to do, i don't want to talk. and the chances of him knowing sign language is rare. I just shook my head frantically. I don't know what to. Tears began frantically falling down my cheeks again and ugly sobs forced themselves out my mouth. 

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm here." I rubbed my eyes as he comforted me. This is probably her boyfriend. She's lucky to have someone who cares about her so much..

"Shh, it's okay it's okay." The guy pulled me close to him, my face was buried in his chest and he hugged me tightly. protectively. 

"Come on, lets get you home." he began pulling me up, but i held myself down and shook my head once again.  
"I'm not going to leave you alone, Dev. Lets go, it's getting pretty late." He said while looking at the time. Well this boy sure is persistent. He pulled my arm again. I didn't know what to do so  i got up, pushed him down and began running to the house.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled out to me. I didn't know what to do, so i panicked. I felt like I was running 100 miles an hour. I haven't ran this fast since I ran away from the cops 2 years ago.

"Devonne!!!" I heard his yell fade out in the background. Before I knew it, I was back in front of this evil house. Should i ring the door bell or should I go inside. I pulled my hand towards the door knob and stopped. I'm in no position just to barge in, I rang the door bell. I looked down at my arm and rubbed it up and down. I heard the door open and looked up,

"Oh Demi!! We were worried sick, it's so late." Dianna pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back a little. 

"Don't you dare do that again." She pulled away from  the hug. Um does she not know what happened a few hours ago? I just nodded a bit. I walked into the house and stood beside the front entance awkwadly as she closed the door. 

"You must be tired. Do you want to shower?" I nodded and she guided me upstairs to the bathroom,

"I'll get you a towel." I nodded once again and stepped into the bathroom, Even the bathroom is huge. I sat on the toilet while waiting for Dianna to come back with the towel. What's the point of me even trying here. maybe i shouldn't try, My heart began pounding. The urge is coming back. After being a week clean.. I really don't want to. I have to. I need to. I began digging my nails into my wrist and scratching as hard as i can. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as I began to go harder

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