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                Demis POV.
September 21st

        I sat on Maries "sad couch" in confusion. How could someone do this? How can someone fuck up this bad?

        "Demi? Are you okay?" I looked up at her and nodded my head a bit. She looks like she doesn't know what to say. ha, you think you don't know what to say, I'm the one who's had the wrong life. I'm the one who grew up in the wrong place with the wrong people. I could've had a completely different life and none of this crap would have happened to me. I could've been happy and not in this hell hole.

"We've contacted the family.. They are surprised.." My heart sank. Of course they'd be surprise. They already have all the kids they want already. 15 years passed, of course they already do. I didn't care anymore. Tears ran down my face. How could someone fuck up so bad.

"They're excited to meet you.." My eyes widened. 

"I CAN'T meet them. They have a daughter already and you are NOT going to put her in here. They may have my blood but they are not my family. you are NOT going to rip her away from her family, the people who raised her just to make HER life a hell hole. I rather be here than some other person, no one deserves this. Just leave this how it is and tell the family it's a mistake, it wasn't them." I signed quickly and stormed out the room. 

                Devonnes POV.
September 21st

     I hopped into the livingroom, looking for Selena. I saw her watching tv and jumped onto the couch beside. 

"Whatcha doooooin?" I asked the obvious. She looked at me and looked back at the tv. 
"What does it look like i'm doing?" She said with a giggle. I smiled and laid my head on her lap. I sighed heavily while staring at her, trying to get her to pay attention to me. I waited a few seconds and sighed again.. this time moving around a bit. She ignored me once again so I sighed heavily and groaned at the same time while streching my arms into her face.

"WHAAAAT." she slightly shouted while laughing annoyed at me.
"I'm so bored. So i wanted to bother you." i smiled up at her.
"Just watch this with me." she said while watching tv.

        "You really get into law and order" i rolled my eyes.

"Yes i do, i love this show and don't you cr-"

"Girls, we need to talk to you." My mom came into the livingroom with my dad, interrupting Selena. I sat up and we both looked at them.

"Did something bad happen" I asked while my stomach began to turn. My mom looks like she's been crying. They both look stressed out. Did someone die?

"No.. Well yes but no.. I don't know.. It's not bad for you two but it's bad for someone else." My dad said looking at selena.

"Why're you looking at me?" Selena asked, her face flushed red. My mom put her hands on Selena cheeks then kissed her forehead.

"I love you more than anything, and nothing, i mean absolutely NOTHING will change that. You are MY daughter and I wouldn't trade you for the world." our mom told her.

"We both love you." Our dad added on.

"Okay, What the hell is going on?" I asked confused.

Mom and dad looked at eachother with sad faced then my mom looked down.

"Mom.." Selena said. 

"What the hell.." She said again.


        Selena and I were sitting in my room, cuddling in bed. This is insane. How can this happen. 
How can a hospital be so irresponsible. Selena is here, crying her heart out. And here I am, comforting her. Hugging her tight and letting her know everything is going to be alright. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Is everything going to change now?" Her voice cracked when she asked me. I shook my head.

"Of course it's not. You're still my sister. Nothing is going to change that Sel," i hugged her tight.
"Not even your real sister?" She mumbled into my shirt.
"No. Never. She may look like me and have my same birthday but you're my real twin. and you have my same birthday, so thats a plus." I smiled while telling her. She looked at me and took a deep breath. 
"At least we know you're staying with me, We will never be seperated." I kissed her forehead and pulled her into another hug.

"I love you, Dev." She mumbled into my shirt again.
"I love you, too, sel." i said while running my fingers through her hair.

"Don't worry about this, okay? It'll all be okay." I said smiling at her.
"how?" she asked, her voice was hoarse from crying and my heart broke a little. my poor sister, she doesn't deserve this. This entire thing should've been avoided. Someone should've just left the other girl in that home without bothering her.

"We caaaaaaaan bug this chick when she comes to move in with us." I said laughing a little, thinking about the pranks we would pull on her.

"It'll all be harmless stuff like that whipcream thing you've always wanted to do or make her pee on herself with warm water." I added on, I heard her chuckle.

"what do you think she looks like?" Sel asked me,

"She is your real twin after all." i haven't really thought about that. I shrugged, I can't picture someone who looks exactly like me next to me.

"Probably fat and ugly. Not even remotely close to as beautiful as you are, sissy." I pushed her playfully and laughed.


Thank you to whoever is reading if anyone is reading. I'm probably doing a really shitty job at this story but, i've been dying to write this and i don't know how to write it where it'll come out really good. BUT ANYWAYS AGAIN thank you SO much for reading and please comment and vote and shareeeeee.

If you guys would like to give me ideas that would be AWESOME and i would definately consider incorpirating your ideas into this. 

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