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Demis POV

It's December 22nd and I've been with the Lovatos/DeLe Garzas for 4 months. Devonne is still cold with me and we don't talk much. Only in front of her parents and it's usually one or two words. Selena is still Devonne's little minion. We talk more than Devonne and I, mostly about my mom and dad, more about my mom cause she knows talking about him bothers me. She always asks little things about her, i think it's sweet.
Dallas and I have grown close, we do a bunch of things together. She's taken me to go get mani pedis with her, i've met some of her friends. She's been treating me like an actual family member. She's always making me feel welcomed, making sure i'm okay, asking if dev and sel treat me right. I just tell her yeah and that we always talk in school. Dianna and Eddie are pretty chill with me too. Although Dianna treats me different than the other girls. She treats me like a house guest. She's too afraid to tell me anything, to like clean or get her something when she needs it. Eddie just asks me like it's a normal thing. Which I guess by now it should be. I mean i guess I'm their kid, more hers than his but it seems natrual for him. Madison is growing up pretty fast. She wanted to take me to her show and tell recently. She was gonna show and tell her entire class her secret older twin triplet. She thinks Devonne Selena and I are triplets. I guess she's entitled to think like that. Better than her older sister who just appeared out of the garbage right?

Evan and I don't talk anymore. He won't respond to any of my messages. I guess it's just time to move on right? Last time we talked was two months ago, he barely said bye to me. I'm having a hard time with it but i guess i'm coping.
I've made new friends. Miley and I hang out a lot more. She's still Selena and Devonnes friend but she says it's cool to hang out with new people. even though the new person looks exactly like the old person YET acts totally different. Me and her have grown pretty close. We even, occasionally smoke some weed together. It's so fun to let loose with her. Literally no one knows about us doing weed, especially me. Not even Evan knew about it. It was my secret get away and now I get to share it with someone who is just as messed up as I am. I've told miley a lot about me, THAT'S how close we've gotten (okay maybe not about my cutting but we're pretty close). And she's told me a lot about herself. I think i probably know almost everything about her. I like having a friend that's a girl. Especially one who's just so chill with everything. She's so open when she's drunk or high, and when she's with me that's most of the time.
I've also gotten really close to Miley's brother, joe. He's just as close as miley is with me. Maybe a little bit close (minus him knowing about the weed and cutting thing) but still. I've told him alot to and he's always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. He doesn't even question it. When I've got to cry he literally just lets me cry on him and doesn't say a word. He only comforts me and I love that. He's probably the only person who's seen me cry in this new life i have. It's sorta nice, not being known as the weird one with this this and that going on. Just the girl who's got a popular twin.

Devonne and Selena told everyone at school that we're all triplets. I just got kidnapped when i was younger and their parents never told them about it. Everyone obviously believed them and now i always get questions about the "kidnapping"

'omg, who kidnapped you'
i usually say a woman

'what did they do to you'
nothing, just raise me

and thats when they get uninterrested and all go back to being up cruella and her sidekicks ass.
Of course their friends know the truth and joe and miley. I just tell them it's whatever to play along.

I looked at my clock and saw that it was 10:30. I looked on my phone and saw a text from Miley

Wanna hang?? -M

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