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Demis pov

I was dozed off in class, thinking about my mom. Not about my birth mom, but the mom who raised me. Lately I've been having these vivid dreams of her and my father. Not all good, the last one i had my mom was stuck in a burning room and i was watching her scream for help through the window. I didn't know how to help her, in my dream. I tried everything. Then my dad came into the room I was in and my moms room wasn't on fire anymore. My Dad grabbed me and began running, and that's when my mom started screaming for me. Next thing i know, I was in my old room held down onto my bed by my father and... I woke up. The most common dream that i've had was my mom telling me to go and be safe. whatever that means.

"Demi," I heard someone whisper to me. I looked up and saw Joe calling out to me. I let out a tired smile at him. He gestured to his nose, and i raised my eyebrow.

"Your nose is bleeding." He whispered. I touched my nose and felt the thick blood slowly falling onto my lip then my desk. I covered my face, grabbed my things and ran out the classroom. This has been happening alot lately, but this is the first time it's happened to me in school. I felt everyone in the hallway stare at me as i ran down it, towards the bathroom. I looked into the mirror while wiping my nose down with a wet tissue. I looked disgusting. Too pale. Eyes dark and sunken in from the lack of sleep. I literally haven't slept in 4 days and its noticeable. I heard the bell ring, which meant it's time for lunch. I threw out my tissue, grabbed my bags and walked to the lunchroom. Today Devonne told me to sit with her and her friends, i was hesitant but accepted. I went on the longest line for food, and waited. I don't really care how long it takes cause i'm not hungry anyone. I looked around the lunchroom and my eye locked onto someone who was staring right at me. Joe. I smiled at him and waved. He mouthed 'Hi' to me, with a goofy smile. Before I knew it, it was my turn to get lunch. I picked up anything and walked away, anxious to sit down with Miley and Joe. While walking a realized I forgot I'm supposed to sit with Devonne and silently groaned. I walked over to Devonnes table and began pulling out a seat.

"What are you doing?" One of Devonees friends asked me. I believe her name is mandy.

"Sitting down?" I said in confusion. I looked at Devonne and Selena, they just shrugged at me.

"You can't sit here." Another one said to me.

"I was invited, so i'm sitting." I said while sitting down, annoyed.

"Devonne are you just gonna let her sit down? Do something." Mady said.

"Seriously, Dev. if you let her sit here, anyone is gonna think it's okay to sit here." Devonne groaned,

"Alright, alright. Demi, out." what the fuck? her minions smiled.

"What the fuck devonne?"

"You heard her, she said out."

"I know what she said, Devonne are you kidding me. I thought we put this petty shit behind us. We've literally gone with no arguments for 2 weeks and now you wanna act like that cause some little wanna be says something?" I said pissed off.

"You're right, Mandy out." She said while eating her food.

"No, you know what i'm out. i don't need this. You're childish." I said while getting up and turning my back on her.

"What did you just say?"

"You're childish!" I shouted while turing back towards her. I heard Devonne groan and watched her get up,

"don't act like this with me in school, demi. don't try to embarrass me because i can and will destroy your reputation, which isn't that great already." She said while pulling me to a corner.

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