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The words that left her mouth caused me to flinch. She was right, how could I possibly explain to her that I had just killed a man right in front of her? I knew that convincing her to get inside the car would be extremely hard, but she also had to know everything.


She had to learn about who she truly was. Not Kelsey, the girl that wears 80's rock band t-shirts and listens to classic hits from the same decade. No. She had to learn that she was Kelsey, the girl who's adoptive parents were possibly murdered by someone who wants to also murder because of what she truly is.

A hybrid.

I knew that once I told her about what she truly was, she would either laugh at me, or believe me. I also knew that I had to tell about me, what I truly was, a Descendant of a Fallen Angel. I had to show her my wings.

Right now, watching her avoid my touch in the rain broke my heart, but she had to know.

"Kelsey please," I begged.

"I said stay away from me," she threatened. "Or I'm calling the police."

"And what are you going to say? That you saw my wings? That the guy's last words was a satanic phrase? No one will believe you Kelsey."

I knew that that was a dick move, but she knew I was right, who was going to believe her?

"Kelsey, I saved your life," I reasoned. "I killed that man because he was going to kill you."

Her eyes softened at my words, but she still maintained a rigid pose, she wasn't going to give in that easily.

"Why would he want to do that?" she whispered.

"I am going to explain everything to you," I began. "But I need you to get in the car."

"And why would I do that?" She spat. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because if I wanted anything happen to you, I would've let that son of a bitch murder you at the spot."

I knew I won that argument at that point. Kelsey closed her mouth and softened her stance. She looked at me with hesitation, as if she was trying to see if I was going to betray her. But she knew that if I wanted something to happen, she would have been dead by now. With hesitation, she guided herself to the car, ignoring the raindrops that were wetting her hair and clothes. Once she shut the passengers door, I reached the drivers door, hopped in and turned the engine on.

Before I pressed onto the accelerator, a cold, wet hand reached to stop me. Turning my head to the right, I saw Kelsey staring right back at me.

"Once we're inside," she instructed. "I want you to tell me everything."

I gently nodded my head.

"I think it's time for you to know."


The ride was unbearable as no word was spoken throughout the whole journey. All she would do was look out at the window with her clenched fists. I didn't look at her the whole time, I kept my vision glued to the road, but I knew that she would look at me every now and then. It wasn't her usual glance, a warm look and maybe she was biting her bottom lip. No. This time, her whole demeanor was different. Instead, she was scared. The worst part of it all was the fact that she was scared of me.

I slowly parked my car into the driveway, and as soon as I turned the engine on, Kelsey immediately hopped out of the car, heading towards the door to my house. She was eager to get answers. I followed her up to the door where she was impatiently waiting, unlocked it and we both walked inside. She didn't waste a second as she turned around and spoke.

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