Chapter Twenty

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Her head was on fire and blood continued to trickle down her head as she hunched over, clutching her stomach as another wave of contractions hit. Hermione let out a wail as the pain in her lower back intensified. "No no no.." she cried, wishing with all her might that she could stop her labor. It was early, three weeks too early.

Downstairs the hearth of the fireplace blazed with green flames as Karen arrived. "Hermione, It's mum!" She called out as she placed her handbag on the table. Hermione's eyes went wide, her heart pounding rapidly.

"MUM! MUM, PLEASE HELP ME!" she yelled, thanking the heavens above that her mother had arrived. At the sound of her daughter in distress, Karen raced up the staircase in a hurry. She arrived at the threshold of the master bedroom, and placed her hand on the side of the threshold; her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as her breath hitched in her throat. Her daughter, her smart, stubborn heavily pregnant only daughter was lying on the floor with her head against the bed table as blood trickled down her face and lying in a pool of water.

"Oh, my heavens!" Karen shrieked as she rushed to her daughter. Tears cascaded down her face at the sight of her daughter. "Hermione what happened! Are you badly hurt? Should I floo Harry?"

"Mum, please just calm down," Hermione told her through labored breaths. "M-my wand. On t-the dresser. Grab it." Karen nodded her head without further instruction. She snatched the wand from its spot and strode quickly over to her daughter, who let out another agonizing wail. Hermione took the wand from her mother, and pointed at the spot on her head, muttering a spell. Within seconds the bleeding had stopped and disappeared from her face. "Mum, help me please." Karen knelt down to her daughter's level and placed Hermione's arm around her neck as an arm went around her waist. Lifting with her knees with such force she was able to pull Hermione to her feet.

"My baby, my poor baby," Karen mumbled softly as she placed her hands on both sides of her daughter's face. Hermione's face contorted as another ripple of waves shot through her lower abdomen.
"Sweet heavens this hurts!" She cried.

"What do you need me to do?" Karen asked, her voice full of concern.

"Hold on to me. I can't make it down the stairs." Without another word, Hermione willed all the power she had and apparated the two of them to . These babies were coming, whether Hermione liked it or not. As soon as they arrived in the Labor and Delivery ward of 's, Hermione leaned against the wall as her mother fetched her a wheelchair and helped her sit... "Easy does it, baby," she told her before calling out to the Healers around her. "SOMEONE HELP MY DAUGHTER! SHE'S THIRTY-THREE WEEKS PREGNANT WITH TWINS AND IS IN LABOR!"

"Get me a room ready stat!" A blonde male healer barked at a few of the MediWitches and Wizards. "What's your name, dear?" he asked as he took control of her wheelchair, and hurriedly pushed her through the halls.

"Hermione. Hermione Potter. P-please someone has to contact Harry! He's stuck in a meeting at the Ministry."

"Well get ahold of your husband. Don't you worry Mrs. Potter you're in good hands."

"Someone needs to check her head for a concussion too! She fell and hit her head against her bed table." Karen informed them before her eyes flickered over to her daughter who was in a constant amount of pain.

"This fucking hurts so bad, Mum." she cried as she grasped hold of her mother's hand.

"I know it does baby. Just remember, take easy and slow breaths. You won't be doing your babies any good by adding more stress. Repeat after me, Hee-hee-hoo. Hee-hee-hoo." Hermione nodded her head and repeated the breathing exercises as her mother instructed. She felt her body becoming more relaxed with each exercise, her heart rate began to slow. Her mother was right, she couldn't freak out and put her body through more stress. Her babies depended on her and she'd be damned if she would let any more harm come to them.

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