Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

   Mere moments later, Harry and Hermione arrived at the Ministry of Magic, the atrium filled with witches and wizards from all over Great Britain, and it was a cluster fuck.

   Harry and Hermione watched as couples were scrambling around, looking for the Department of Records in order to register their engagements. The couple looked at one another, smiling as they nodded at one another before making their way to the elevators. Hermione pushed the button for the 5th level, her nerves the best of her once more.

   Harry looked down at Hermione, noticing her face turning a little pale as her hands were becoming clammy. "Are you getting cold feet already, Hermione?" he teased, causing his fiancée to turn away from her thoughts.

  "No! Not at all."

  "I can tell something is bothering you. What's wrong?"

  "Honestly, Harry it's nothing. I'm just a bit nervous that's all."

  "You can back out you know. I wouldn't hold it against you if you decided that I'm not the bloke for you." Harry told her, his voice filling with a hint of sadness.' Is being engaged to me horrid?'

  She placed a hand on his cheek, looking at him intently. "Harry, never in a million years would I want to back out of our engagement. What you've done for me today with my parents, that's more than any man has ever done. I want to marry you and have not the slightest doubt about it."

  His heart fluttered with the sound of those words. He leaned down, brushing their lips together. Shivers shot down Hermione's spine, as their lips made contact. She moaned, looping her slender arms around his neck. He traced the outline of her lip with his tongue, seeking entrance into her mouth. She obliged, taking in the taste of him as their tongues massaged one another. She could feel her heart pounding, her desire for him intensifying.

   Harry's hands roamed her curvaceous body, their kiss intensifying. He moaned her name softly, "'Mione". He could picture the smile on her lips as he said her name as he deepened the kiss once more. He didn't understand where his desire to taste her, to roam her body had come from. But one thing was for certain, he never wanted to stop.

   The sound of the elevator ding jolted the couple apart, Hermione blushing furiously as she straightened out her clothes. Harry grabbed her hand in his, leading her to the Department of Records office.

  'Merlin, what's wrong with me? How is it that I want her so badly? He thought to himself, confused as to where these feelings for his best friend had come from. 'Was her mum, right? Do I have feelings for her? Does she feel them for me?

  "It's just around the corner I believe. Harry?" Hermione asked him, her eyebrows slightly raised. Harry broke free from his thoughts, turning his attention back to reality.

  "What's that?" Harry asked her, feeling a bit of guilty that he hadn't been paying attention.

  Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "I was saying that the office should be around the corner." She told him, motioning for them to turn right.

  "Oh, right then. Let's go." They turned right, and within five feet from them was the Department of Records. Hermione looked at Harry, beaming with delight her eyes narrowing at him, told you.

  Harry opened the door, letting Hermione walk in first as he shut the door behind them. Harry gawked at how small the room was. 'You'd think for a place that handled all the records of Great Britain that this place would be a tad bigger.' The office was about the size of his dining room and kitchen put together. To the right of them sat a black, leather couch, with a coffee table placed in front. The room was bright, fluorescent lights shining at full capacity. There were filing cabinets lined up alongside all four walls, the receptionist desk sitting in the center of the room. Harry noticed a small, plump witch with greying brown hair standing at the back of the room, rummaging through one of the filing cabinets.

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