He then made his way back to the car driving away not knowing that even though he whispered the apology...Jungkook heard it.

"Then why did you do it? Why do it if you're just going to apologize damn it...." Jungkook sobbed clenching his fists tightly.

"And why not apologize to my face?....why do you make me want to hate you...." Jungkook got up from his place and made his way to his bedroom.

And to his surprise the room was dark....'but I never turned off the lights' Jungkook thought looking for the light switch.

'It's not turning on' Jungkook tried to turn on the lights but....nothing happened.

Suddenly his bed started glowing....well something under his bed was glowing but that's not the point.

"What the hell....." Jungkook muttered in confusion making his way to the bed.

He crouched down and stretched his arm under the bed trying to find the source of the light.

"A....necklace?" Jungkook had never seem this necklace before....in looked really....old.

He felt the need to put it on....it was as if someone was pushing him to do it.

And he did put it on.....

Only to be shocked by what had happened the moment that necklace touched his neck.....


"How come you never told me Taehyung was your brother". Jimin asked playing with his mates hair.

"How come you know him?" Yoongi was confused as to how Taehyung and Jimin knew each other.

"Long story short.....he kidnapped my best friend and forced him to live with him".

"Ohh....wait a second". Yoongi jumped from his place at the realization.

"You mean Jungkook?" Yoongi was starting to put pieces up together.

"Yes....how did you know hi-" before Jimin could continue the front door opened.

"You're back". Yoongi got up and hugged his brother who hugged him back after standing still for a while.

"What's wrong?" Jimin noticed how Taehyungs expression was giving off how sad he was.

"Nothing...." He sighed before making his way up to his room.

Even though he was happy his brother was safe and sound...that he finally got his happy ending.

He couldn't help but feel hurt....how come nothing good ever happens to him?

Suddenly his phone started ringing...

??: miss me
Taehyung: Sehun.....

"What's up with him?" Jimin asked Yoongi hoping since they're brothers he'd know.

"I have no idea...." Yoongi might have had the slightest idea about why Taehyung was sad.

He'd only seen that look on Taehyungs face when he was talking about his mate.

Which to Yoongis surprise turned out to be Jimins best friend.

But it seems the younger has no idea.


"So you're saying Jungkook is Taehyungs mate?" Jimin was still trying to process the words that came out of Yoongis mouth.

"Yes". Yoongi said for what felt like the millionth time. He loved his mate but he had to admit that his mate was a little too slow sometimes.

"And Taehyung is going through the same thing you were going through but the effects are slower?" Jimin asked yet again.

"Oh gosh YES JIMIN YES FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME YES". Yoongi exclaimed getting up from his seat.

As soon as his feet hit the cold wooden floor he felt pain shoot through his body.

"That probably wasn't a good idea". Jimin chuckled before pulling Yoongi back to his seat and leaning onto his chest.

Yoongi smiled at his mate and then his eyes fell on the youngers lips.

He leaned in slowly trying to link his lips to the youngers pink plump lips, only for Jimin to get off of him.

"I'm still mad at you for not telling me about this...so no". Jimin scoffed before making his way to his bedroom to call Jungkook.


Jimin was now on his bed debating on whether he should tell Jungkook about Taehyung or not.

His train of thought was cut off by his phone ringing.

And speak of the devil he shows...Jungkooks name was written on the screen.

Jimin: Hello?

Jungkook: Jimine....(sob)


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