Part (14)

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(3rd POV)

"What do you mean he's dying?" Jimin asked Jin confusion filling his expression.

He didn't understand who was dying and why were they dying.

Well figures since Jin only told him someone was dying and then told him to meet at the coffee shop and then hung up on him.

Which made Jimin even more confused.

"Yoongi....he's dying". Jin muttered squeezing the youngers hand between his own.

He knew how Jimin was feeling for a while now. Even though they haven't really seen each other a lot.

But the younger would sometimes talk to him about the nightmares he was having.

About how much he regretted what he did....he didn't know that Jin had also done something he regretted.

After hearing those words come out of Jins mouth Jimin felt his whole world crash.

"W....ha.." Jimin couldn't even make up the word....He was too shocked to process what Jin was saying after.

Jin kept on rambling about how Jimin was probably Yoongis mate and that he was dying without him right now.

Yet Jimin just sat there frozen while tears threatened to escape his hazel eyes.

"'re lying". Jimin finally muttered out looking at Jin in disbelief.

"That can't be're lying to me". Jimin exclaimed feelings his eyes sting and his heart burn.

"Jimin listen to me..." Jin held the youngers hand trying to calm him down knowing how much this was affecting him.

"NO". Jimin yelled standing up from his place and pushing Jins arm away...he couldn't think straight let alone control his actions right now.

"He isn't lying to you". Namjoon suddenly said coming out of the back.

"" Jimin looked at Namjoon not believing he was here.

"You know him?" Jin asked in confusion and disbelief.

Even though Namjoon had visited the coffee shop eveyday before sometimes he'd leave early or come late.

And that's why he never bumped into Jimin and Jungkook. And yet the two seemed to know each other.

"He's....Yoongis friend". Jimin muttered not taking his eyes off of Namjoon.

And that's when he processed everything....

"JIN HYUNG HE'S A WOLF". Jimin exclaimed pulling his hyung closer to him.

"I know". Jin chuckled ruffling the youngers hair...who still stood there utterly confused.

"Anyways back to need to go to him right now". Namjoon said standing beside Jin and pulling him closer.

And that was all Jimin needed to hear to rush out of the coffee shop and to Yoongis house....that's when he realized....

He didn't know where it was exactly...

He had lived in the house for a long time yet he didn't leave that much so he doesn't exactly know the way.

"Need a ride?" Jin called out with Namjoon walking by his side.

Jimin smiled and nodded at the older making his way to their white car.

Lucky for him Namjoon knew the way to the house as he was Yoongis childhood friend.



"Ughh this sucks". Yoongi groaned at the blood that came out of his mouth while he was coughing.

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