Chapter 25. The calm before the storm.

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I scoffed at her before replying, "Amy, I love you, but that's a dumb reason. He's your mate! He's suppose to be the other half of your soul. If you have him what does anyone else matter?"

"You know, I know you're right, but I've been with my coven for hundreds of years. It would hurt badly if they were to turn their back on me." Amy explained again with a painful sigh.

"I think you should give him a chance." Brie quietly added, "I'm in a hybrid relationship too, my family can't even know or they'd flip their lid. But when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter. My mate is the most important thing to me. I need him like I need air. Even though this world is crazy, I will deal with it all as long as he's by my side."

"You girls really think I should let him in huh?" Amy asked. Brie and I both nodded enthusiastically. We both encouraged her to go see him now and talk with him about it. She agreed which effectively ended our girls night.

"With all this talk about mates, I'm missing mine... do you mind?" Brie ask with a sheepish grin. I threw a pillow at her and laughed.

"Go on, I'll just be by my lonesome." I replied with a fake pout.

Brie got up to leave but as she opened the door she looked back.

"I don't think you'll be lonesome at all." She said with a wink before walking out, leaving the door wide open.

In walked Michael. His devilishly handsome grin was one his beautiful face. It made me happy to see him. I jumped up and ran into his arms. He chuckled and kissed me on my head.

"So much for the girl's night huh?" He ask, his grin evident in his voice.

"I can tell how disappointed you are." I replied with a laugh.

Michael picked me up and carried me to the bed. He laid down with me still in his arms.

"I'll never be disappointed to get to spend time alone with you." He huskily whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps to rise on that side on my neck.

"Michael?" I started self consciously.

"Hmmm?" He replied, clueless.

"Couldn't we.. um.. you know..." I began, I was hoping not to have to say it but his blank stare told me I'd need to spell it out, "Well... mate...?"

Deer in headlights, Michael has no idea I was going to ask that and shock covered his face.

"I know you wanted to wait, but graduation is coming then our wedding. And the pack already knows about me. I don't see why we have to uh... wait... any more?" I quickly explained, blush rising on my cheeks.

"Oh Noel, I want nothing more than to make you mine." Michael started, making my cheeks flush even darker red. "I talked with Amy about this before.. she doesn't think the scent potion will work right if we've mated. Our scents will mix, yours onto me as well. There will be no hiding it without the pack sensing something is fishy. Right now she covers your hybrid scent. Once we mate, if you were just human, you would also smell slightly of werewolf. But the potion won't allow that. Plus I will also smell slightly of you. People will be able to tell I'm mated to a hybrid."

I took a moment to think over what he said. First off, Amy and Michael talked about him and I having sex! Uggggh! Even worse Amy didn't even tell me! But what he said did make sense. I sighed. Giving in to his reasoning. My wolf did not, she didn't care who knew what, she just wanted us to be fully mated.

"Well, they say practice makes perfect." I said deviously with a wink, surprising myself. I surprised Michael as well because he looked in shock for a second, before shaking it off and playfully growling at me.

We spent several hours getting to know each other's body. Any place Michael touched immediately erupted in sparks. My body craved his touch. It was never enough, it was never going to be enough, I was always going to want more of him. He seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did.

Both of us had a really hard time stopping to settle down. Michael had to take a cold shower while I used some self calming techniques Amy had taught me during practice. Then we were finally able to cuddle together and fall asleep.

I did well on my finals, as did Amy and Brie, and we were all set for graduation. There was going to be a bonfire afterwards to celebrate. But after the night of celebrating everyone would have to get to work on preparing for the alpha meeting. Michael seemed so nervous, and it was honestly the cutest thing ever. He was obsessing over every detail. Several times I had to pull him to bed.

Amy and Thomas finally seemed to be making progress. They still had separate rooms, but I've seen them cuddling and holding hands several times. They also seem to always be near each other when possible. All good signs! Brie and Brian were as hot and heavy as ever, insert eye roll. In truth, I was incredibly jealous. I loved Michael for waiting, and understood his reasoning, but I also hated him for it. Every day I longed for him and every day he denied me. I don't know how I ended up with the werewolf with super strong self control. I suppose I love that about him at the same time though.

Finally, graduation day came! Loren was valedictorian and gave a nauseating speech, but other than that it was an awesome ceremony! Later that night the pack gathered to have a bon fire and celebrate. There was alcohol, and many people indulged in that but I didn't. I've never drank and wasn't sure how it would affect me.

Everyone partied til late in the night so Michael's wake up call at 6:00 am the next morning was not appreciated. When I gave him a hard time about it, he had just shrugged and said he warned everyone beforehand.

We spent the next several days readying the pack. Cleaning, landscaping, setting up the guest rooms, planning the meals, ect. Michael was growing more and more nervous by the day. By the time everything was ready it was like a switched flipped in Michael's head. The worried Michael was gone and in his place was a confident Alpha, ready to face the other alphas. My heart over flowed with pride.

Alpha Alan stayed away most of the time, but during the preparations for the other alphas he came by and scoffed at things that needed fixing. Surprisingly enough, he actually helped fix any issues he saw. I was hoping, that for Michael's sake, that his father was coming around. Something in my gut told me otherwise.

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