Twenty Three

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The two boys were giggling as they walked home from a Christmas party that had been a bust. Everyone else had gotten drunk and passed out, or went home as well. It wasn't much fun, in Edd's point of view.

They turned the corner, seeing the bright Christmas lights shine a pathway to the park. They hadn't meant to stay out this long in the cold, but it felt nice just being with each other.

Kevin went to run to the park bench, but his foot skidded on the ice making himself lose his balance. He hit the ground hard, not being able to comprehend what was happening.

"Oh my god Kevin-!"

Edd stupidly ran over to his boyfriend, slipping as well. They both just giggled, the humor overpowering the small pain in their backs.

"Even if we're together, you're still falling for me," Kevin sighed out with a smile, looking over towards Eddward who was staring at the starless sky.

"You're so lame, I'm surprised I haven't kicked you out of my apartment yet," the younger responded with sass tangled within his words.

"Honestly, me too."

The boys laughed, laying on the snowy ground while shivers went through their bodies. Neither noticed though; the warmth from each other was enough for them.

•How was this?
This might be the only chapter for the Christmas holiday. I'm not sure of Alex's plans with it•
Thank you for 25k reads!

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