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Third Person POV:

Edd cries out as he gets another blow to the stomach. He grasps his stomach, feeling a burning pain rise. It feels like his insides started eating themselves and started suffocating him.

He gasps for air as he collapses to the ground, giving the bullies an easier target.

The shortest guy grabs him by his collar and brings Edd towards his fist, the fist landing on Edd's left cheek.

Edd squeezes his eyes closed, hoping for a fantasy reality to come true.

"Hey!" A voice calls out and the blows stop.

Looks like someone was listening up there.

The lockers next to him start making rattling noises as the leader is shoved up against it by the one and only, Kevin.

"You gonna tell me why you were beating on the nerd? Or you gonna sit here and piss your pants while letting me beat your ass for it?" He growls.

"Like you have the balls," the guy spits back.

The fight breaks out before Edd's eyes and Kevin flings his fists towards the guys face, throwing him to the ground once the hit lands.

Edd just lays there, unsure of what to do. Should he stop Kevin or should he run?

His question is answered once a voice says,"let's get outta here!"

Sneakers squeak against the dirty floors of the school and two people are left.

Kevin darts towards Edd and grabs his face, checking out the cuts and bruises.

"Are you okay? Where did they hit you?" He worriedly asks, pulling Edd further into his lap.

"I-I'm okay, Kevin. Just a few punches, nothing I can't handle," Edd gives his classic gap tooth smile and Kevin can't resist smiling back.

"Those guys better have learned their lesson for messing with what's mine," he says out of anger.

"What's y-yours?" Edd stutters out.

"You're mine, babe. Only mine," he smiles and Edd nods understandingly.

Kevin gives him a sweet kiss before picking him up bridal style.

"Wh-what are you doing!" Edd shrieks,"put me down!"

Kevin just chuckles,"you're fine in my arms, I'm carrying you home because you're hurt. And it also adds dramatic effect," he mumbles.

Edd giggles and lays his head on Kevin's chest, enjoying the feeling of being safe and warm in his boyfriends arms.

•How was this?•

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