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Edd walks out of the school, holding his head in his hands. His hands are trembling and his hair is a mess. Tears slowly fall down his cheeks. He tries to calm himself down but it's nearly impossible.

Kevin stands by his car, waiting for Edd to get out of school. When he doesn't come to the car, the redhead starts walking towards the front entrance when he notices Edd sitting on the bench.

"Hey, you didn't come to the car," he stated, noticing the way Edd was positioned. "Are you okay, babe?"

Edd nods and stands up, not lifting his head and keeping his face covered, "I-I'll walk home, it's okay. Just g-go."

Kevin frowns and tries to lift Edd's head up but the smaller boy just flinches at the touch.

"Edd, what happened?"

"N-nothing. Don't worry about it," Double D says, walking away from his boyfriend.

"I'm going to worry about it. What happened?" Kevin grasps Edd's arms and pulls them away from his face.

It reveals a bleeding cut on his cheek bone with a deep purple bruise forming around it.

"Who did this? Edd, I swear-"

"I-I just ran into a door, it's fine-"

"Edd, please. It's not fine. It's obviously not fine. Let's go. You're telling me who did this later."

Kevin pulls Edd in for a comforting hug and the younger gladly accepts it.

"Thank you."

•How was this?•

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