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"You never act like this, what's wrong?" Kevin asks genuinely.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I shrug.

"Double D, I know something's-"

"I'm fucking fine! Lay off!" I storm out of his room and I run past his mom.

Tears forms in my eyes as I pull open his front door and walk out.

"Edd!" He tells from behind me but I run back to my house and slam the front door shut.

I run up my stairs and into my bedroom, sliding down the locked door and onto my bottom.

"Edd!" Kevin calls from downstairs.

I knew I should've fixed that dumb lock yesterday...

I bury my head into my arms and cry softly, not wanting Kevin to find me.

I hear his footsteps come closer to the room and I curl into myself, trying to stop crying.

"Edd, come on. Open the door," Kevin sighs.

I stay quiet and furiously wipe my eyes but the tears keep coming.

"I'm gonna bust down the door so you better not be in front of it," he says honestly.

I quickly get up and unlock and open the door as he charges towards it. I stupidly enough stand right in his path and we both fall onto the ground.

I hit my head painfully on the wooden floor. I groan, feeling like I couldn't breathe.

"Edd! Oh my gosh, oh god. I'm so sorry!" Kevin exclaims, getting off of me and picking me up bridal style. He lays me on my bed and brushes hair out of my face.

"Are you okay??" He asks worriedly and I shake my head, whimpering.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry," he kisses my forehead and gently brushed my cheeks.

I don't even comprehend what he's doing because the throbbing in my ears blocks everything out.


"Come on, stay awake, I brought you some ice."

Something cold touches the back of my head and I open my eyes to see Kevin inches away from my face.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" I ask, completely unaware of what just took place.

"You.. you ran back home and locked yourself in your room. I was going to bust down the door and you opened it just as I had charged... you were standing right there and I accidentally tackled you. You hit your head really hard on the floor. Luckily, you're hat provided some sort of protection."

I stay quiet, recollecting my memories.

"Why did you run away from me?" He asks.

I take a deep breath, "you're always talking about your ex-girlfriend or your football buddies, it's like I'm not even in your life anymore. I'm just a loser who does your homework for you..."

"Oh Edd... I'm sorry that I made you feel like that. Honestly. And I just... I try focusing on other things so I don't think about... about kissing you and stuff," he scratches the back of his neck and I look at him with wide eyes. "I never meant to make you feel used or anything. I'm sorry. But I really like you and I know you're gay and all but that doesn't mean you like me and I didn't wanna ruin our friendship by telling you that I liked you and-"

I cut him off by pressing a light kiss to his lips. It was everything I dreamt it would feel like but better. Way better.

•How was this?•

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