Chapter Three: Grey skies.

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The wind rushed past her face as she got just high enough to see the entire valley and farms bellow.

Her eyes sparkled a smile growing, a familiar wild feeling taking over her entire being. She soared up into the clouds dipping in and out with ease and grace.

She let out a hum of delight a few tears flying past her face. She tucked her wings and dived towards the ground and just before hitting it, her wings spread out wide lifting her, and then gracefully floating down making the gentle landing.

Her wings began to shrink into her back and soon enough disappeared.

Looking down at the ground she picked up on of the giant black feathers that had fallen from her wings. Groaning she turned around heading back to the house.

'' Thank god it's not molting season yet.'' She groaned. That would have been a pain, looking for all those feathers in a giant field.

But those were the rules of course. No evidence left behind. Although Y/N always stayed at home when molting time came around. Of course, her house would be full of feathers but then again no one would even know that.

She tucked the black feather behind her ear as she climbed her way up the field. From a distance, her keen eyes caught sight of Soobin's truck. A smile made its way onto her face as she made her way towards it.

She heard faint voices and one of the truck doors opened. A tall figure stepped out making Y/N halt in her tracks for a second.

The pair of deep brown eyes squinted at her from afar before widening, winkles appearing under their eyes as they started sprinting towards her.

Y/N's eyes went wide for a split second seeing the figure run towards her, but then she relaxed her lips pulling into a soft smile, seeing the oh so familiar box smile coming closer.

It wasn't long before she was swept off her feet into a huge hug, being swung around.

'' Y/N! ''

Y/N laughed hugging her arms around his shoulders.

'' Hello, Tae!''

Taehyung smiled up at her before placing her down an excited giggle leaving him as he turned to an older looking man.

'' Old man why didn't you tell me Y/N was coming to visit?!''

Soobin smiled shaking his head nodding towards Y/N who smiled at him.

'' I wanted to surprise you.'' She said looking up at him, her soft smile remaining.

Taehyung laughed before pouting and pinching Y/N cheeks causing her to whine in protest.

'' Why didn't you visit sooner, I haven't seen you in months!''

'' I halth been buslthy.'' Y/N tried to say and he pulled on her cheeks.

'' Enough Taeyhung you're hurting her cheeks,'' Soobin said in a gruff but gentle voice.

Taehyung instantly let go of her cheeks eyes wide as he apologized rubbing her cheeks as she protested saying she was fine.

'' Come on you two, Y/N I assume you are staying for lunch,'' Soobin said turning away and heading inside.

Taehyung smiled grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind him.

As they both stepped inside The feather fell from Y/N's hair to the ground catching Taeyhungs eye.

'' Wow, where did you find this Y/N it's massive!'' Taehyung asked picking it up marveling at its silking touch.

The Outsider. (Bts x reader) SLOW UPDATES.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin