Episode 43: Sigh of relief!

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"OVER HERE!" Grace screamed but the noise from the tanker fire was too loud. They were also in the shadow of the bank. She got to her feet and checked herself, no injuries. She looked down at James and saw he was grimacing in pain. A thin piece of metal from the building was sticking out of his left calf. He was reaching for it but she stopped him.

"Leave it in! We don't know if it cut something vital. I'll get Mecca," she yelled to be heard above the roar of the tanker fire. He sagged back and nodded.

Grace made her way out of the shadow and Heather spotted her immediately and screamed. Mecca jumped then both were running towards her.

"Where's Ed?" Mecca yelled.

"He's over here! He's hurt!" Grace blurted and pulled them after her.

Mecca knelt and examined the wound. "It doesn't look too bad but it's good you left this in. We'll get an ambulance and I'll take care of this at the hospital." She took her phone out and called it in.

"What happened?" Heather asked.

"Ice on the hill, Bad tires on my truck, " James gasped out.

"We slid off the road and got stuck in the snow. James got us to the bank and the truck came over the hill too fast and followed the same path right in over James's truck. If the heater in the truck worked we would have been in it when the crash happened. As it was James got us behind the building before the explosion. He saved my life." Grace knelt and kissed him. He would have enjoyed that more if his leg didn't hurt so much. Still, it was a really good kiss.

James woke up in a hospital bed Christmas morning. Sunlight streamed in the window and he could see blue skies. He felt good. He felt really, really good! He looked around the room and it was a lovely room. There was a noise from the left so he looked and Mecca walked in with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Mecca. You look lovely as usual!" he said with a smile.

"I wish all my patients were so complimentary!" she beamed at him. She looked at his chart then walked up beside the bed and took his hand. "You were very, very lucky last night. Your heavy leather coat took most of the abuse so all you had were some shallow cuts, bruises and the one puncture on your calf. I took care of that last night. I was right, it missed anything important. You may have a little numbness there though. It might have cut a nerve," she explained.

"I feel good! Whatever drugs you have dripping into my arm are making me feel-- happy!" James grinned and Mecca giggled at him. "What?"

"That's just a saline drip to keep you hydrated. The drugs we gave you wore off hours ago!" she said with a big smile. "No. I think what you have is a case of the 'Christmas Morning Jollies'."

James started to laugh. It felt so good!

When he settled down he noticed that Mecca had removed his I.V. "You are being discharging now so Grace and the others can take you home. Heather and I will see you later this evening. I'd like you to take it easy on that leg. I'm prescribing you a cane to use for a week or two to take the stress off the leg when you walk. OK?" He nodded. "I will have the nurse bring you the cane. After she does you can get dressed. Wait for the orderly with the wheelchair to take you out, Alright?" He nodded again. "See you later."

With that she left. Ten minutes later the nurse arrived with a black metal adjustable cane with a rubber handle and tip and brought him his clothes. He got dressed and only had to wait five minutes for the orderly to arrive. While he waited he tried out the cane and found his leg was a little weak from the injury.

He felt a little silly being pushed down the hallway in the wheelchair but all thoughts of embarrassment disappeared when he saw the smiling faces of the women he loved waiting for him. Their smiles warmed his heart. Once he stood Grace was in his arms and Rose and Angie braced him. Everyone got a hug and he made it to the curb to climb into the passenger seat of Stephanie's truck. Grace and Carolyn climbed in the back. Angie drove, Rose and Zoe and followed them home in her Land Rover. After they pulled into Rose's driveway James leaned over and gave Stephanie a kiss. She smiled dreamily at him afterwards.

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