Episode 3: The Auction.

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"Have I done something wrong? You keep looking at me like my high school teachers used to. Well, most looked at me in disappointment. If you could tell me how I've offended you maybe I can do something about it."

The older man looked ashamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. You aren't what I was expecting. In the past I've seen young men with some of the ladies here tonight and these men have always been soft, egotistical, self-centered sponges. Your hands have seen work like mine. You weren't threatened by my handshake and didn't try to show me up by overpowering my grip. You haven't tried to bullshit me by pretending to be worldlier than your age would typically allow. I'm sorry if I've offended you."

James nodded and looked back to his drink. He sipped some more, following Dale's instructions once more. After he enjoyed the warmth he looked back at the man.

"I don't know any of these other young men. I don't know why they would behave that way. It makes no sense to me but I don't get a lot of people's behavior. I guess I'm slow that way." He felt the warmth of the scotch slide along his limbs and he felt a little more relaxed. He took the last sip and smiled as he set the glass on the counter. "That is a very good drink!"

Dale liked this young man. He was refreshingly honest and amazingly centered. He hadn't flared with righteous indignation or false bravado. And he understood scotch! He grinned at James and James grinned back. He ordered James another drink then they made their way back to the ladies. Just before he arrived he looked over at James.

"You may want to nurse that one. Scotch is a strong drink that will catch you off guard if you aren't careful with it."

James looked at him and nodded seriously.

"Dale! You're not corrupting this delightful young man with that wicked drink are you?" Tristan chastised her husband with false outrage.

"No, I'm grateful he's introduced me to it. It's quite good! He's also told me to be careful with it." James exclaimed in defense of the older man who was grinning back at him.

Rose smiled at James and took his arm to lean against him. He leaned towards her as well, enjoying the feel of her body. He returned the look of love and Tristan's eyes widened as she watched. She nodded to Rose.

"Did you want to take a look at the items they are auctioning off?" Dale asked.

They made their way around the room looking at the prizes and the older man explained to James how a silent auction worked. He was pleased to see that James wasn't particularly awed by the hugely expensive prizes. They passed the bidding sheet for a fierce looking red sports car and James didn't even blink in its direction. "Curious?"

"James, if you don't mind me asking what do you drive?" Dale asked.

"A 1980 Ford F150 pickup,'' James said absently as he looked at the next item up for auction. He wondered what anyone needed with a yacht that big. Maybe for a large family outing, he didn't notice the older man's delighted smile.

"You're happy with your truck?"

James looked at him. "Yes. It's been very dependable and I've used it at work for hauling heavy equipment to the hazardous waste center."

"Oh! What do you do for a living?" Dale asked.

"I work for Draco's Heating and Cooling. I've got my Universal Certification so I can work on any level of system we install or maintain."

"Do you enjoy it?"

James's face burst into a wide smile. "Yes! It's a great job!" He realized he should be polite and ask Dale a question as well. "What do you do for a living?"

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