Episode 23: Carolyn![Part 1]

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"The room... it's really lovely!" he said in wonder as his eyes moved from item to item.

Carolyn's smile softened and she took in the room as well. "The pieces in this room bring back some really wonderful memories for me. I decided to bring them out of storage and showcase them properly."

"Thank you for sharing this!" James said softly. His eyes completed their journey to find the print above the fireplace. It was a shot of the Mandela tattooed on her back. The language of the lost tribe he felt a little pang of sadness and heard a gentle gasp from Carolyn. He looked and saw she was watching his face.

"James, you're fascinating to observe when you're absorbing new experiences. Your emotions are right there on the surface. I can see the depth of your emotive connection with what you are concentrating on." Carolyn said with a smile.

James loved Carolyn's smile as she had a wide mouth and beautiful white teeth. He was almost dazzled when she aimed those smiles at him. She also had an unnerving focus to her eyes. When you spoke to her she concentrated fully on you and you knew there was nothing else in the world taking her attention. You were the center of her world at that moment. And she saw everything!

He was getting a little embarrassed by her attention so he cleared his throat and looked at her. "You asked me to come over because you needed to speak to me. What can I do for you?"

Carolyn looked away, looking a little embarrassed herself. James admired the way the blond highlights in her light brown hair gleamed in the candle light. He barely resisted the urge to run his fingers through her hair to see what the light would do then.

"When you came over last time dressed in a Santa suit you really caught me by surprise and I felt so bad that we didn't respond as you'd expected."

James looked around and listened. "Where are the kids?"

"At Stephanie's, having a sleepover," she said.

"The kids do that a lot!" James exclaimed with a smile. "It's great they get along so well!"

Carolyn smiled at his innocent joy. She pulled herself back on track.

"Anyway, I hope we didn't spoil your holiday season by being so... non-festive?" she winced.

"No, it's ok. It just surprised me that's all. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, for me it's always been about wonder and excitement and sharing that with family. Especially as a kid! How you and Rick chose to raise your kids is entirely your choice and I'm not going to judge you." James snorted at the outrageous thought "like I'd have any right to second guess someone as smart as you."

Carolyn's eyes twinkled, a little as she heard the compliment. Still, she didn't like hearing James put himself down. "You shouldn't judge yourself so harshly either James. I've seen the work you do and that takes a significant amount of intelligence."

"Yeah, but I'm not people smart. I can figure out things but people?... that's hard! There are just... too many hidden pieces," he said with a frown.

Carolyn hadn't heard him express it that way before. James was fascinating! She would love to write a book on how he perceived the world! She grinned at him and gave him a nod. She saw him bloom under her approving look.

"In the spirit of the season and to show you my appreciation for everything you've done for me this year I'd like you to have this. It's just a little something I saw you needed." She pulled a little wrapped box out from behind a pillow on the couch. James's jaw dropped and he looked a little worried.

"I haven't had a chance to do any Christmas shopping!" he moaned.

"James! It's ok! I'm not expecting a gift in return! Don't think of it as a Christmas gift! You know we don't do that anyway. This is just a thank you!" She held his hand and handed him the box.

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