Harper looked over his shoulder and felt her heart drop into her stomach. The ferry had left. The port was closed. She hopped down and her feet landed harshly onto the concrete and it made her feet hurt a little, but she brushed it off. Pin dismounted behind her and walked closer to her, he took the bag out of her hand and into his own.

"Mia is going to kill me." Harper felt numb, she convinced Pin, but they had missed the ferry, she just wasn't quick enough. "I'm not even joking. She's going to hang me in front of the entire island."

The distant sound of a car honking drew their attention, they looked around and saw Frank, Ben, Rosie and another woman which Harper didn't recognise.

"Thought that you might need a ride!" Frank shouted to them as he leant out of the window of the small yellow minivan. The van looked a little worse for wear, but it clearly was working just fine.

Harper laughed as she walked towards Frank, "how did you know we missed the ferry?"

"Zoe called." Rosie replied from where she had opened the sliding door on the side, "So we're going on a road trip."

Stunned. That was the way the couple felt. Just after they agreed to going on the minivan, Ted rounded the corner with the horse box for Elvis. Pin loaded Elvis into the horse truck while Harper hopped into the van after she gave her hat to Ted and thanked him again. Pin eventually joined her on the seat opposite to Rosie and Ben.

The old engine of the car started with a little cough and they set off. There were some books stacked up in the back of the car and Harper flipped through a couple to pass a little bit of time, she didn't want to waste all of her phone battery. None of the books could keep Harper's attention so she put them all back down and let Pin grab her hand (she could tell that he wanted to for a while, he's not very subtle.) She smiled at their interlaced fingers before she focused on the main conversation.

The conversation was about how Rosie and Ben were obsessed with finding the islands treasure, Harper had read about the legend once, it was pretty cool. They were constantly fiddling with the small box that they had found; it needed a six-digit code to open it. Rosie eventually got frustrated enough that she threw it at Harper, who had to separate her and Pin's interwoven hands to catch it, there was a small pout from Pin at that.

Harper giggled lightly as she just managed to catch it, she pressed in random numbers, knowing that it was almost impossible to open but she decided to amuse Ben and Rosie on this long drive. Just as she tossed it back to Ben, the engine started to splutter, she looked over to Frank and Wilma who were equally confused.

The van slowed to an eventual stop and they all climbed out as Frank began to suggest what could have gone wrong, he suggests the suspension, the oil and the spark plugs.

"Or maybe you forgot to put fuel in the tank?" Wilma suggested, she had a knowing look on her face and Harper assumed that she had checked the amount of fuel in the tank once they started to have problems.

"As if I'd forget a fundamental thing like that—I forgot to fill the fuel tank." Frank pressed his hand against his forehead, clearly, he now remembered that he never filled it.

"Okay, well we need to get petrol, sign in isn't too long away now." Harper sighed as she pulled out her phone to see if there were any petrol stations nearby to them, "Oh just our luck, no signal."

Pin looked around and spotted a sign, it was for a funfair, "we could go to the funfair and buy petrol there? They use it for the generators."

Ben muttered a 'genius.' As they moved closer and held out the change, they had between them, they only had just under five pounds, that wouldn't buy them anything.

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