- Chapter 1 -

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The light filtered gently from the sky, it bounced off of the ground and illuminated the ground. The ground was dry underfoot as it had not rained for a couple of days and the sky was a pale blue and there were no clouds in the sky.

Harper was stood with Becky and Jade where the three of them were waiting for Zoe to get back from her hack with Marcus. The couple had made it official after dancing around each other for months.

"There they are, the yards hottest couple." Becky tuned on her blogger voice as she held up her phone which was recording Marcus and Zoe, "No offence Harper and Pin, who come in a close second. Happy, but for how long? Marcus is leaving for the academy in just two days..."

"Can you stop filming them? It's seriously creepy." Jade said to Becky as she walked away from her horse.

Becky shifted her focus to Zoe and started counting down until junior nationals, which didn't help anyone's nerves. After a comment about Bob being Prince Charles, Marcus left the girls with a bemused face.

Their peace was ruined by Mia, "Becky! Get your horse out of Firefly's stable now!"

Becky, Jade and Harper all ran over to where Bob had gotten into Firefly's stable for the second time that week. They saw that Bob had his neck over Firefly and was eating his hay, Becky rushed over to Bob and grabbed his lead rope and practically pulled him out of the stable.

They tied Bob up in the main part of the yard and they petted him and tried to reassure Becky that Mia didn't really mean it.

As Mia's dad owned the stables now, Mia had taken it upon herself to be the boss of them all. She was very fond now to making speeches and ordering everyone around the yard, she did less and less of her own chores each day.

"Everybody listen up!" speak of the devil, Mia started on a new speech, "we've got our sights set on junior nationals, which is why I've set up an exclusive with the local paper. I want this yard spotless, get to it!"

Everyone groaned internally and forced themselves to look at the chore board to see what they had to do, and what random chores Mia had created. Harper groaned when she saw that she had to sweep the entire yard and the entrance, her back was going to hurt a lot at the end of this.

Harper went around the back of the stables and grabbed a broom when she overheard Mia being rude to Pin, she turned on her heel quickly, "could you be any ruder Mia?"

"He works for the yard, so he works for me." Mia scoffed and she crossed her arms across her chest and quirked an eyebrow at Harper, challenging her to argue back.

Harper's eyes rolled so hard that her head hurt a little, "actually, your dad is the boss, your just bossy. You can't heap more chores onto Pin and not even do them yourself, Firefly is your horse so act like it."

Before Mia could snap back, Elliot called her into the office, she turned harshly on her heel and flicked her hair as she walked away. Harper had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes again.

Harper went to turn away, but Pin grabbed her by the arm, "you're in a bad mood, what's wrong? You never tear that harshly into Mia."

Pin had always been good at reading Harper; it was something she liked but it would irritate her that he could discern her feelings so easily.

"My brother is coming to visit tonight and it's going to end up being a screaming match, he and my dad have never gotten along." Harper ran her hand down her face and over her eyes in frustration, Pin grabbed her hand before she could start rubbing her eyes with it – a bad habit that she needed to break when she was frustrated.

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