Wish (1/2)

443 26 18

„Yunho! You're driving me crazy!" His Sunbae yelled out in serious desperation.
„From all the young Angels up there, why did I have to get you... All my colleagues tell me that their students do their jobs perfectly fine and you? You always do the opposite of what you're told to.."

Yunho looked to the ground, nervously fiddling around with his fingers.

„I already ask up there for the easiest tasks for you, but-„

„They're not the easiest, Sunbae.." the young one mumbled making the other burst out in laughter.

„You're not even working with humans yet. We're far away from making this step."

„But why was it wrong, what I did? I don't understand... they were so young..."

[two hours earlier]

Yunho walked along the edge of a high building watching over the city of Seoul as a blue star-shaped leaf slowly fell from the sky. It danced back and forth in wavy motions right into his stretched out hands. His eyes sparkled at the sight of it.

„A new task!" he cheered inspecting the glittering leaf.

On it stood an address where he would have to go to, to full fill his task. Underneath the address was more information on his task.

„Three Kittens..." he said to himself, looking around to find the place he had to go to.

With a blink his big, white feathery wings appeared and he hurried in the right direction. There was no time to waste. On his way some birds flew past him on their journey to the south.

„Hurry, you're already late! It's getting really cold soon!" he called after them with a smile, feeling the cold breeze brushing over his smooth skin.

The address on the leaf led him to a big road with a lot of traffic.

„This is not a place where three kittens should be playing.." he looked around. „Where are they?"

Then on the other side of the road he saw three little fluff balls stumbling straight onto the street. On his right his eyes caught the sight of a car that approached them with a very high speed.

„Oh no.. they will..!"

He wasn't sure what he should do.. well actually he knew what he had to do, but.. -his eyes shot back and forth between the car and the kitten- ...but he just couldn't bare it. With a high and fast jump, he got on the other side of the road, quickly grabbing the three fluffy creatures. He held them closely to his body, careful not to harm the fragile animals.

„That was a close one..." he sighed in relief although he could already see his angry Sunbae in front of his inner eye.

He placed the three fluff balls in a small basket in the courtyard of a small house. He had watched this family already, he knew he could leave the kittens their.
He looked at them a last time, petting each one of them.

„Don't worry, they will take good care of you." he smiled widely, then took off again.


„Yunho... how often have I told you this now... an Angel is-„

„Only a spectator.. yeah .. of course.. but I couldn't just let them die..!"

„It was their destined way to die on this road by a car accident and your task was to take their souls to heaven... An Angel isn't supposed to change something about someone's destiny.. not even of a cat.. if you keep neglecting what you're supposed to do, you'll never go back to heaven. You'll be stuck forever on earth or worse.. you might loose your powers as an Angel!"

ATEEZ YunGi | Wish (Christmas Special)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora