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We continued to eat our breakfast when an owl dropped a letter to me with Dolan and I's name on it. I nudged him to get his attention. "Who is it from?" He asked with out a certain tone. I just shrugged I have no clue. "I don't know but I don't think I will find out till I open it." 

I ripped it open and read it out loud to Dolan. " Mr. Harrison and Mr. Dolan. I do hope you have not forgot about my lunch I had planned for you. It will be today around one. Please drop by my office before you leave to pick up the foods we agreed on. I hope this helps boost your relationship, in a good way. If there is any fighting. I will instead take one hundred points from each house. Happy eating. See you soon. Your counselor." 

Dolan let out a big sigh. "Well I guess its nice she actually made the food for us so we don't have to. But I don't understand why she is making us do this stupid lunch. We don't even have a choice at this point. Its stupid." 

I nodded. I did agree but he seemed much more upset about it than I did. I didn't mind it that much. I mean free food and its our favorite foods, its not like we still hate each other anymore. Plus, I think its a good opportunity. " Dolan to be honest we never really had a choice to begin with. We just have to make sure no one sees us. If they do, who knows what rumors would start." 

We both shuddered at the thought of it. This is just like any muggle school. Just a bit more high tech than most. Rumors actually might be worse. I don't think that magic makes it any better. Hell, it makes spying on other people easier. 

We flashed through our classes till about 12:50 when class ended before lunch I made my way to the door to Mrs. Brednits office. I could see Dolan was almost here too. I knocked quickly and there was no response. I just decided to go on in. She wasn't there but the basket and blanket was. I grabbed the heavy basket and made my way out the door to see Dolan waiting. 

"Shes not there?" I shook my head. "Where do you wanna eat?" I asked. I had no idea where to go to go eat other than the janitors closet because I like to hide in there sometimes. There is also a store room that I fixed up too. Maybe that would be a good place. Dolan shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Somewhere where no one can find us preferably." 

"I think I have a place." I rushed around corners to around where the Hufflepuff common room is and right before that is the store room. I've never seen anyone in there except me. I like it there cause its dark and quiet. There is a separate area too where a wall blocks from anyone seeing you in the door. 

I quickly pulled him in and shut the door and ran around to the back wall. "Is this it?" He asked kind of stupidly. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry its not a pretty dining table and candles. You want private so here you go. Never seen anyone in here before." I laid out the blanket on the floor and I put put the food and started eating. 

Then the door busts open. Then were hear heavy breathing and shuffling..... and.... and kissing?... Holy shit. I look at Dolan we both have the same facial expression. The "oh my god, what the fuck" facial expression. We thankfully were hid back in a corner. No one could see us but we couldn't see them either. 

This was gonna be along evening. 

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