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          ☝️is Skylyn ☝️

The hours had went by faster than I hoped. I was hoping that doing homework would make it tick by. But obviously not. Demitry decided to take a nap before dinner and I had no idea where Harold was. Letting a loud sigh I grabbed a pillow from my bed and threw it at Demitry. "Hey, dude. Dinner is in three minutes. You're not even dressed yet!" That was a lie but if I would've said fifteen I knew he wouldn't get up. I watch as his eyes shot open while he threw the covers off of him, jumping off the top bunk on to the cold hardwood floor. "Shit, man! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" I smiled. Laughing to myself as he rummaged through his drawers. Suddenly our door opened. It was Harold. He looked really tired. And his face..... it was all red. His uniform was all out of sorts. He also had bed hair. Harold too one look at him and smiled cockily. "How's Skylyn?" Harold smiled a little as he looked out the window. "She is.... amazing." I rolled my eyes finally catching on to the story. Harold shut the door and laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Best day ever." I heard him whisper under his voice. Demitry shook his head. "Man you're whipped." I smiled. Harold was a good guy. I'm glad he found someone. Harold laughed. "I may be whipped but at least I won't be alone for the rest of my life like you." I listened as the two quarreled as we walked down the moving stairs. Waiting for them to align, someone caught Harold's attention across the corridor. It was Skylyn. He smiled at her, I could see the stars in her eyes. I noticed her hair was a little messy and he usual bright red lip stick was faded to a dark pink. She looked down almost embarrassed but happy at the same time. I hope I can find someone like that someday. Someone I'll never get tired of. Someone that loves me unconditionally. Someone that puts up with my behaviors. Someone that makes me wanna be better for them. My head in the clouds I walked slowly to dinner with the rest of my house meeting with the other three houses. Then I saw him. He was sitting talking to Jamison. He smiled, finding something amusing. I stared. I tried to look away but I just. Couldn't. Then suddenly his eyes met mine. A slight rush of adrenaline hit me. I turned away quickly acting as if I was looking at nothing. I went and sat down with my best friend Leo. Still feeling the butterflies in my stomach.
          Dinner passed slowly. I was very quiet. It had been noticed by Leo. He tried to press what was wrong with me but even I didn't know. So I brushed it off and told him that because of the concussion that my head hurt. He didn't believe me though. Honestly, I couldn't blame him. I didn't even believe myself. I just don't understand what wrong with me. "Mr. Pendrake." The sudden snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around to find that it was Mrs. Savvendra. My potions professor. I smiled at her stepping away from my friends. "Yes Mrs. Savvendra?" I asked nicely. She is one of my most favorite teachers. "Would you mind coming with me we need to have a chat?" I smiled my brightest smile. "Not at all." I accepted happily.
          We journeyed through the halls down several corridors to her office. "Please take a seat." She gestured to her chair. I sat down prepping myself for the conversation that was about to unravel. "It has been brought to my attention that you are behind in classes. Though you're grades may be good it doesn't mean you don't need to turn them in on time. So for this you will have detention for three days." I nodded in defeat. I knew she was right I had just been putting quidditch before actual classes. "I understand. If that's all, I'll be on my way." I stood to leave the room. "Please wait. I have one more thing." I looked at her puzzled. "Do you have a time for a chat or do we need to save it for tomorrow?" She asked nicely with a smile. Her cheeks wrinkled with age and her lips dark purple. I sighed a little irritated."Sure why not. Let's have a 'talk'." I said a little snappy using air quotes. I sat back down as she began to speak. "I think you might have a bit of a bullying problem so you might say." I was astonished! Me! Have a bullying problem. "Bullying problem? Why would I have a bullying problem? Let's see I'm head boy, captain of the quidditch team and top of my class. Why would I have a bullying problem?" I don't have a bullying problem I don't know what makes her think that. Yes I'm competitive sometimes and a little snarky but that's it! My professor coughed a little bit, clearing her throat. "What about Dolan's tie. One of the students came to me about it today." That kinda hit me like a bus. "Oh you heard about that...." I said quietly looking down. "Yes, you need to apologize." Hell. To. The. No. I was NOT going to apologize to anyone ESPECIALLY HIM. "No I WON'T apologize!" My professors attitude and demeanor changed. She suddenly grew a slightly cocky and evil smile. "I'll tell Dolan you have your little crush on him..... I can see the way you look at him when he is not looking." I could feel my face turning into fire. My body stiffened. OH GOD NO. "PLEASE NO ILL DO ANYTHING!" I exclaimed. Last thing I need is rumors about me and a slimy Slytherin. She smiled her bright smile again. "Then you'll apologize to Dolan and give his tie back. End of discussion you may go now." Stood and slumped my head in defeat as I slowly trudged out the tall brown door. Practically crawling down the hallways down to my room. It was already 8:30. I didn't make it back to my room till nine. My mates were still up waiting for me. "What took so long?" Harold asked Curiously. "I'm getting detention for three days for being behind in classes. I was being lectured for what seemed like ages." I knew that wasn't the story but I couldn't tell him the truth. The entire school would know within 24 hours. And that was not happening. Dimitry sighed. "Well it's 9 o'clock and that means it's bedtime we got practice tomorrow morning at 7:30." The boys rolled over as I changed in to my flannel pjs and washed my face. Finally, I took my glasses off setting them on the table next to me. Laying on the plush bed, I thought about tomorrow. And dreaded it with every part of my soul.

Okay that is it for tonight! It's 2 am and I have work in the morning. But I will post another chapter in the morning too!
Skylyn is my character. So that photo is of Skylyn. Tic tok @bvb_monsta xlover

Thanks for reading!!! Love you all!!!

A Gryffindor loves a Slytherin?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora