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       I tossed and turned feeling some pain in my arms. I rolled on my back and pushed myself up to get up and then it hit me.

     My arms are burning on fire. My shoulders too. Actually, they might be worse. I groan as I sit up and look at the time. 5:22. Shit. It's still 5 am. Fucking hell.

     I get up and walk out of my room. Good thing my legs don't burn. I know my team is gonna be pissed when they get up. I started wondering the halls, I didn't wanna sleep. I was kinda hungry though.

Maybe I'll just sneak into the kitchen. I'm hungry anyways. Not like I haven't done it before. They always have lots of food from different places there. Even stuff like Mochi.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen being careful to look for professors. And cats. But suddenly I hear ale noises in the kitchen. Shuffling. I peak around the corner. I couldn't see who it was but it was a girl. She turned slightly. It was Skylyn.

She was making something. I walked in. "What ar-" "AHHH" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Shocked I ran over and hushed her hoping no one heard. "What the hell are you doing here Harrison?!" She was obviously flustered maybe even embarrassed.

"I uh was hungry so I was gonna grab something to eat." She let out a deep breath. "So why are you here then?" She took a deep breath a averted her gaze. "Um Leo said he likes it when girls can cook..... so im ah making him something. It's a surprise."

I couldn't hold a back my little smirk. "So you like him?" She immediately got flustered and smacked my shoulder. "Yahhh! Don't say it like that." She hid her face in her hands and continued making his food. It was fried rice with chicken and veggies.

She looked like she was almost done. But damn it smelt good. "Do you have extra?" She looked at my and handed me a piece of chicken and a couple spoons of rice. "It'll make me feel better if a guy taste it so go ahead." I gave her a slight nod. And took a bite of the chicken.

My eyes widened at the flavor burst in my mouth. Then I decided to try the rice. It was good too. "Yes it's good. He's definitely gonna like it." She let out a sigh in relief. "Thank god. This was two hours of hard work slaving over the stove." I laughed at how dramatic she was.

"He likes you a lot you know. Leo?"  She smiled and looked at the floor. "I hope he does. If I made all this food for no damn reason I'm gonna be pissed." She's funny at least. I kind of chuckled.

"Alright I'm gonna head back, good luck." She said thank you and bid her good bye as I left. I made my way back to my room it was about 5:45.
"Harrison?" A voice called.


Sorry! I had to finish final exams!!!
But I passed all my classes with Bs and As.  For celebration I will update several times this week!!! 
Loves hugs and kisses! ❤️🥰😘

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