Tease 😉

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I was once again woken up with the heavy lead like feelings in my arms and headache because of the stupid alarm. I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand and got dressed in normal attire, walked down to the field to see everyone groaning.

I took a deep breath as I approached them. "No practice today. I think we all feel yesterday's warm up." They all silently celebrated in their own ways from dancing to chanting yes too themselves.

"Thanks Harrison. But that warm up killed us. You sure we will be good with the game day after tomorrow?" I nodded. "I'm sure, we have practiced lots and trained extensively. We will be fine. Go back to the dorms take a break get breakfast. See you in class."

I waved good bye as they all dispersed in their own directions. I made my way to the great hall, ready for breakfast. Again. I looked to my left and noticed Leo.

I made my way over to him but he was talking to someone. Skylyn. I decided to back off while she gave it to him and watch what happens.

They seemed to exchange a few words but then he hugged. I smiled to myself. "He's such a flirtatious person."

"Who is?" I just about jumped out of my skin. I look to my right and it was Dolan. I smiled. "Jesus fuck you scared me Dolan. I'm just watching Skylyn and Leo. She made a lunch for him by hand and she's nervous." He scoffed. "Stupid." He said strongly.

"Why stupid?" Dolan kept his trailer face as he stared at the couple to be. "He obviously likes her. She doesn't need to be scared. It's stupid." I rolled my eyes. Typical Dolan. I decided to change subject.

"So about that lovers card...." Dolan snapped his head back at me with wide eyes. "It's not the lovers card...." He said with the breath he was holding in. I just chuckled. "Whatever you say."

I looked into his green eyes. They were just.. beautiful. They were forest green with a dash of yellow/orange and bluish green. Kind of reminding me of a forest near a lake.

"What?" Dolan asked me in a confused manner. "Something on my face?" I immediately turned away and shook my head. I felt some heat rush to my cheeks as I was caught staring. "Oh um no nothing."

"You still going to the Quidditch match?" I he looked at me and rolled his eyes. "I told you I would go didn't I?" I shrugged. "Just because you say you're gonna go doesn't mean you will."

He scoffed. "For your information. I may be a Slytherin but that doesn't mean that I lie about everything I say." I laughed. Thinking that he walked in on this one. "So you just lie about something's right?" I said as I laughed not able to keep a straight face.

He responded with a glare perfectly etched into his face. But you know he'd be even more handsome if he'd smile more. "Dolan, you should smile more. It looks better on you."

He snapped his face away from my gaze and looked down and I noticed a little pink on his cheek bones. "Awe he's embarrassed." I just had to tease him.

"Shut the fuck up." He said quickly as he walked up to the food servers. I grabbed food with a smile and he just sat with a dead face. Refusing to look at me.

Today was gonna be fun. Haha.

Next chapter up and I'll post another tomorrow!
Loves hugs and kisses! ❤️🥰😘

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