Argon Klemintine

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We sat in our rooms for what felt like hours. In reality, it was only three hours but it didn't matter it was way too long for teenagers. By the time the teacher came to check on us it was 4 pm. Things still weren't clear but they said it was getting closer. They did drop off some snacks too. That was great. Another slow two hours went by and they FINALLY called us down to the Great Hall. Everyone in the halls were whispering obviously curious about what the emergency was about. We made it to the hall and took our seats anxious for the news.
Mrs. Savvendra stood in the middle of all the teachers holding her wand to her throat so everyone could hear her. "Students! I'm sure you are all worried as well as anxious. He had an attack on Hogwarts." Everyone gasped and roared in discussion. "SILENCE!" Professor Inferno erupted. Scaring all of us in to silence. Mrs. Savvendra continued calmly. "We know that is a shock but we know who it is and have notified the counsel. However we still aren't safe till the culprit is caught. He attacked the school by sending Ogres several of them and some dementors to attack the bridge." A Hufflepuff interrupted. "Was anyone hurt?" She asked in concern. I noticed the teachers looked down in disappointment. "Mr. Linman and his pet both died protecting the school." Professor Inferno took over. "He did well to defend you, the students and didn't give up. Unfortunately, a dementor had gotten to him causing him to lose his life in the end. His Kneazle Linma tried to protect him. Causing her to lose her life as well." By this point you could hear the girls and some boys crying. Mr. Linman was the head of Ravenclaw so I could see most of them were in tears. I could feel the tension and anger coming from the Slytherins. They were right next to us. It's like they were feeding off the sadness and it was just pissing them off more. Then my eyes landed on Dolan's he was sad but still pissed. His face wrinkled with displeasure. His eye brows knitted with sadness but his eyes squinted with anger. I pulled my attention back to our teachers. "Who attacked us?" A Slytherin asked with betrayal in his voice. "Argon Klemintine..." Professor Inferno said darker than normal. Everyone kind of looked each other in confusion I had no idea who he was and I don't think anyone else did either. Except for the professors. I glanced to my right and I see Skylyn in a state of shock Harold is trying to talk to her. But she isn't snapping out of it. I just gave him a look of confusion. He leaned to whisper in my ear. "It's her brother. He went missing 4 years ago after he got expelled for sneaking out too much." This news gave me a shock, I noticed now that everyone was kind of staring at her. Mrs. Savvendra continued. "He was a student here 4 years ago he went missing after being expelled. No one has seen him or talked to him. No letters nothing. He was assumed to be dead." The hall went quiet all the possibilities of what could happen went through my head. Was he after students? Or teachers? Maybe even the whole school? Did they even know what he was after.
          After a few more questions from us they told us that classes would stop for two days just to make sure everything is safe to continue. That there will also be wizards guarding the school. As well that dinner will be delivered to our rooms. Apparently over the next two days we can't practice quidditch, play games, or even go outside. But we can be in the castle anywhere (other than obvious places) when we want. I talked to Harold on the way back to our dorms trying to get more information. To be perfectly honest he didn't seem too worried. Leo showed more concern for her than Harold did. Demitry and I both noticed this and agreed to talk later about it. For all we know he could be after her or something too.
          I was concerned for my house, especially as a sibling of my house is involved. I am the head of my house and will do whatever needs to be done. Period. But I do need to talk to her. Maybe talking about it could help. I'll see to it tomorrow that I talk to her. Hopefully she will be okay by tomorrow. I definitely don't wanna push it.
          The evening passed slowly but it was time to talk to Harold. "So Harold, what's going on with Skylyn. You weren't as worried as I thought you'd be?" I started. He looked down a bit and took a breath. "I don't know mate. There's always drama with her. I didn't even know she had a brother. I mean if you're dating someone shouldn't you tell them something like this? I guess it just put me off. I didn't know she had so many problems you know?" Ahhhh I see now. He's a bit of a player I already knew that. "You dated her knowing nothing about her? Now that you know she has family drama you're gonna drop her?" Demitry stated coldly. Harold kind of jumped at his blunt statement/question. "Well, I guess." His voice sounded sad but honest. "Well end it now. So she can find someone who truly loves her. Like Leo." Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a sec. Leo likes her?! Leo likes every girl. He's way more of a player than Harold. "Whoa what the fuck Leo's more of a player than Harold." Harold sighed. "He's always staring at her though. Always asking her questions." Demitry being the quiet one normally just shrugged. He was way more observant that I was and he's my best mate. Damn. I've been worried about all my bullshit with Dolan that I haven't paid any attention to any of my friends in days.. Not that Dolan and I have talked. I've just been kind of ignoring him. Oh well. I've got more prominent things to think about. Like fucking LEO JESUS. Why didn't the bastard tell me. Him and I are gonna have a talk. Demitry interrupted my thoughts. "It's nine, I'm going to bed. I got shit to do." I nodded my head agreeing to go to bed. I had someone interrogations to do tomorrow and I wasn't gonna do it on little to no sleep.

I'm sorry it took so long. I have been working everyday. For 8+ hours the last week. Sorry it's more of a filler but expect big things in the next chapter!!
                 Loves hugs and cuddles❤️😍

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