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So I have a story that one of my readers is starting! Guys go check it out. It's "Evangeline And The Dark Head Master"

"No, it's Alfred." Oh I guess for a moment I was hoping to see Dolan.... "Hey man. I heard you fell off the stairs? What happened." He chickened and looked down a bit embarrassed.

" I was messing around with one of the guys and I ran backwards." I started laughing. "Slick move ace. Hahahahaha."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah I don't wanna hear about it after you broke your wrist a year ago doing the same thing." Seriously this guy. "Hey for one that was an accident and for two I was really tired and was sleep walking. I can't control it!"

He started laughing. Well. More.... wheezing. "It's not funny and having to drink that disgusting ass medicine to help me heal faster for the game in two days didn't help."

We carried on our light conversation until we heard people talking. It was a couple professors. But I can't quiet make out who it is. I pulled Alfred to the corner to listen in on conversation.

"I don't know, we know nothing about Argon. He seems to know everything about us but do you really think he'd hurt his own sister?" I heard a sigh from a female professor. "I don't know to be honest it doesn't seem like he cares."

"Skylyn never said they were close anyways. So it may not matter to him. Either way he's after the school and it's obvious. Classes resume tomorrow and I don't know what to tell the students."

"We will tell them not to worry about it that the adults are gonna handle it." "What about the older kids. They're not gonna let this go." I heard a pause and a slight shift in movement.

"We might be able to have a meeting with all the older kids, let them know the truth and maybe prep them. You know in case something happens."

Alfred stole glances from each other both think the same thing. What the hell is going on. What are they so scared of. I decided to show myself. I was sick of this. We aren't so much of kids anymore. At least the 7th years.

I made my gradual steps as I slowly met their eyes. It's the two teachers from my 3rd year classes. Mrs. Speker and Mr. Dalmon. "So what are you gonna tell us, Mrs Speker and Mr. Dalmon?"

"Young Mr. Pendrake! What do you think you're doing out of bed at this hour!" I sighed. I wasn't gonna lie. She probably was though. "I have sore arms from my workout and it woke me up and I was hungry and I went to grab food then go to bed now I am here."

Both teachers looked at me with furious eyes. "I've already heard everything and I've also started to look for information on my own. I can also guarantee you I am not alone. Don't lie to all the students. Might sugar coat it for the younger ones so they aren't scared. But us older ones need to know what's going on. Otherwise it will play against you."

Both teach exchanged looks of multiple feeling as I explained how it should be and how we should be viewed. As well as who should know what.

"We will talk about it with head master. And the rest of the group should not know until further notice. Do you understand?" Mr. Dalmon said with a fierce attitude. I'd be scared if I didn't know better.

I nodded in agreement for now. But if they decide against me then I will go against them. I made my way back to my room. It's about 6:15 when I get to my room and I decided to sleep in till 8:30 and skip the shower. I was too tired now anyways.

I wonder if Dolan will make it to my game day after tomorrow....

So. You guys are lucky I love you. My basement almost flooded because our sump pump stopped working. But now it's working again but I had to dig a trench at fucking mid night and it took till like 2 am. And now I'm finishing this chapter at 2:15 because I love my readers. I'll post again before I go to bed tomorrow.

Loves, hugs and kisses. ❤️🥰😘

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